
For strength, warm up from 0:00-10:00. Then do sets of 5 back squats at 10:00, 13:00, 16:00 The AMRAP is not a ton of time – it’s designed to make you push the pace a bit more than a 15 or 20 min. metcon. Most will do wall balls and box jumps as written – you can make the decision about push-ups whether to scale or not. For those who typically scale, maybe today you try to do full Rx push-ups and just see how many you can get. If you literally don’t have any though, of course scale by elevating yourself on a bench or box. Strength Back Squat 5,5,5 Conditioning AMRAP in 10 minutes: 20 wall balls, 20/14# 15 push-ups 10 box jumps, 24/20″
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The pause for the clean and jerk should be in the hang position (about middle of the thigh). Your shoulders should be over the bar and your lats tight to push the bar into your lap. Knees should be soft, but hamstrings tight from controlling the lean. Pause length should be about 2 seconds. Cleans should be received in a full squat today. For the metcon, partner up – you will row as many meters as possible with your partner, switching off at each minute. Quick transitions will need to happen to get the most out of your time! Strength Pause clean + jerk 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 Conditioning In partners: ME row in 12 minutes (meters) switch at each minute
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Today should be treated as intervals – try to get the work done as quickly as possible knowing you have 30 seconds to rest before going again. Repeat in this fashion for 21 minutes. You’ll have to time yourself for the rest. AMRAP in 21 minutes: 1 rope climbs 7 knees-to-elbows 7 push presses, 95/65# rest 30 seconds
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The majority of class should be spent working up to a 1RM deadlift. Give yourself enough time between attempts – don’t rush it just to get it done. The cash out is quick – a 200m sprint (yellow pole to cone) and 30 burpees as fast as you can. Strength 1RM Dead lift Conditioning For time: 200m run 30 burpees
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Thanks to everyone who purchased a hoodie and made a donation to Barbells 4 Boobs.  We’ll be hosting the WOD “Helen Meets Grace” this Saturday starting at 9am.  You’re encouraged to wear some pink stuff if you have it.  The format for classes will be as follows: 9:00am Group Warm-up and standards, if you don’t have a teammate by this time, we’ll pair you up. 9:30 first heat is off and running We will continue to run heats until everyone has done the WOD, but will not officially start a 10:00am class. Open gym will run in conjunction with this event for those that need to “do work” or “#moveweight” See you there, and thank you for participating
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