
For the alternating EMOM, load a bar with 75-85% of your 1 rep push jerk. If you’re not sure, then warm up and get to a fairly heavy weight you can do for 3 reps. Alternate between these and doing 2 rope climbs. We will have ropes setup within the pull-up rig for rope pulls (do 6 if you’re scaling) For the intervals of double unders and clean and jerks, treat each one as if it were “for time.” Rest is 90 seconds to test your recovery. Strength / Skill Alternating EMOM x 10 A. Push Jerks x 3 (75-85%) B. 2 Rope Climbs Conditioning 3 Intervals with :90 rest 50 Double Unders 12 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
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OK guys, its that time of year, we’re getting ready to kickoff the Fall Nutrition Challenge.  The most important part of the challenge is always the kickoff night!  We get together and discuss the format of the challenge and go over the fundamentals of approaching the challenge.  This will include what to eat, when to eat, how to maintain performance, get leaner, stay strong etc.  It won’t include how to fast, cleanse, drop 20 pounds in 20 days and put it all back on when the challenge ends. This year we’ll be introducing an all new format, and it will be fun an interactive.  Using social media we’ll stay motivated and maintain accountability throughout the 30 day challenge. As a bonus this year, we’ll have a special guest speaker for the kickoff night.  Our very own Jamie Sobolewski will be joining in and sharing her wealth of knowledge in the...
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Yo, homie, you got the stuff? …I’mma, look down at my phone so no one notices…. Think of the first part of today’s workout more as a warm-up and skill practice rather than just getting it done as quickly as possible. Since we are working with lower volume than usual, you might want to challenge yourself to a harder progression of the HSPU than normal. The second part are sprint intervals. Record your fastest time as coaches yell out the times as you cross the 100m mark. Practice recovery and deep breathing between intervals. For time: 30 wall balls, 20/14# 15 HSPUs 20 wall balls, 20/14# 10 HSPUs 10 wall balls, 20/14# 5 HSPUs 6 rounds: 100m run rest about 90 sec.
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  The Thermal community is coming out in full force for our Happy Hour on September 30th!  Today we are proud to announce our sponsors for the event!  If you are thinking of buying or selling, the only choice is Entourage Real Estate located in Conshohocken and run by two of our very own members, Shawn and Anthony. Greg “Big Bear” Watson will also be in attendance as a lead sponsor for the event.  Greg heads up Gateway Funding and is your one stop go to guru for all of your mortgage and financial needs. Come out and mingle with all of Thermal, as well as get to know these guys at our Fall Happy Hour, September 30th at Tierra Caliente of Conshohocken!  Action starts at 6:30pm    
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Close grip bench press will work the triceps more since your hands will be closer than a normal bench grip. How close? Hands should be about torso-width so that at the bottom of the bench, your hands are pretty close to the sides of your ribs. Use a moderate weight for the deadlifts in the metcon. You should try to move consistently through these movements. Strength Close Grip Bench Press 5,5,5 Conditioning AMRAP in 12 minutes: 7 burpees over bar 7 pull-ups 7 deadlifts, 225/155#
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