
Today is the start of a strength cycle. We’re going to focus on squats and deadlifts – these are the biggest lifts we can do to get strong overall. Take 20-25 minutes to find a new 2RM deadlift. These should be touch and go reps, no regrip or reset at the bottom. The metcon is a sprint – row 1000m and then do 40 burpees as fast as possible. If you’re running in heats, go in front of the rower to let the next heat setup their rowers! Strength 2RM Deadlift Conditioning For time: 1k row 40 burpees
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Keeping it simple today: get 3 heavy sets of 5 fronts squats in – ascend in weight each set, but they should be relatively small jumps for those 3 sets (i.e. 5-20 lbs depending on your strength) Then a simple couplet of hang power cleans and lunges. Try to get that foot out enough so the shin is relatively vertical – it will hit your posterior chain more vs. your quad if you do! Strength Front squat 5, 5, 5 Conditioning 3 rounds for time: 10 hang power cleans, 135/95# 50 lunges, L/R
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For strength, take the bar out of the rack and find a 2 rep max push press. Make sure you do not re-bend those knees into a jerk. For the metcon, pair up and do 10 alternating rounds. Partner A will do 7 jerks (push presses are acceptable), 14 push-ups, and 21 double unders. Then Partner B does 7 push jerks, 14 push-ups, and 21 double unders. Continue until 10 total rounds are completed (5 each) Your score is the time to complete 10 rounds. Strength 2RM Push press Conditioning Teams of 2: 10 rounds for time, alternating: 7 push jerks, 135/95# 14 push-ups 21 double unders
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Hey guys, just wanted to announce a new partnership that we’re bringing to CrossFit Thermal.  I had an opportunity to meet with Sam and Megan from Back in Balance this week and I was blown away.  These two are legit guys, and can help you improve your mobility and ability to recover through onsite sessions at CrossFit Thermal.  I encourage everyone to visit them this Monday evening, its only $1 per minute and I know you’ll be impressed!  Here is some more information about what they offer. Back in Balance is a massage therapy practice that specializes in getting, and keeping, athletes moving. When most people hear “massage therapy” they generally think of hot stones, body wraps, and other spa-type massage. While we utilize certain traditional release methods, we use therapies not found in spa setting that allow us to get the real results our clients are looking for. We...
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Today is a long metcon of heavy weightlifting, high skill gymnastics, and running. The clean should be received in a full squat each rep. Scale the weight to something heavy (around 80% of your 1RM) To scale muscle-ups, do some sort of pull-up (rings are preferred, but bar is acceptable) and dip (rings, 30″ box, or parallettes) AMRAP in 30 min: 7 cleans, 185/125# 7 muscle-ups run 400m
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