
For the complex, you will start in the hang position and receive it in a full snatch. Stand it up and do 2 overhead squats. You may either drop the bar or follow it down, but then do a full snatch. Find the heaviest weight possible for this complex. For the metcon, the thrusters must obviously pass through a full squat and end with bar overhead. Burpees are standard, no going over the bar (this time). Strength Hang snatch + 2 OHS + Snatch Conditioning 4 rounds for time: 200m run 10 thrusters, 95/65# 15 burpees
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Take 15-20 minutes to find a new 1RM clean. You may do a power or full clean Strength 1RM Clean Conditioning 5 rounds for time: 10 box jumps, 24/20″ 15 pull-ups 20 KB swings, 53/35#
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In Teams of 2 Alternate AMRAP in 15 minutes 5 Power Snatches (135/95) 30 Double unders Partner A completes all reps, then partner B completes all reps rest 5 minutes For Time As a Team Row 100 Calories every switch both partners must do 3 burpees  
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For strength, work up to a heavy, but NOT max 3 rep back squat. The point is to make the metcon squats feel light. For those 135/95# squats, scale so you can pick the bar up from the ground and put it on your back. Can anybody keep the bar up for 3 minutes?? Rest for 6 minutes and then do a second AMRAP of toes-to-bar. Scale to V-ups if needed. Strength Back Squat 5, 5, 3, 3 Conditioning AMRAP in 3 minutes: back squat, 135/95# rest 6 minutes AMRAP in 3 minutes: toes-to-bar
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For skill work, alternate between handstand push-ups and rowing. Choose a number for both that allows you to do work for about 30-45 seconds. This will be unscored in Wodify. Most athletes should do the metcon as written. This is an AMRAP to see how far along you can get within 10 minutes. You may do any variation of clean and jerk to get the bar from ground to overhead. (no snatches) Change your own plates according to the weights listed. Men should have one barbell and one set each of 45s, 25s, and 10s. Women should have one barbell and one set each of 45s, 25s, 15s, 10s, 5s. If needed, simply scale to a starting weight of 95/55# at 15 reps, then shift the Rx weights down one level. (drop off the 205/135 completely) Skill EMOM for 10 minutes: A) 5-10 HSPUs B) 10-15 cal row Conditioning AMRAP...
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