
For strength, the focus is shoulder-to-overhead, but you’ll need to clean the bar to the front rack position, so cleans can be any version you’d like. Once you get it in the front rack, do 5 push presses or push jerks, or combination of the two. The weight for thrusters in the metcon should be manageable so that you can do all 10 unbroken or do them in two sets at most. Breaking it up any further will mean the bar is too heavy. Find a pace and settle in for the 12 minutes, but in the last minute, go all out! Strength 1 clean + 5 push jerks Conditioning AMRAP in 12 minutes: 10 thrusters, 95/65# 15 box jumps, 24/20″ 20 KB swings, 53/35#
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CrossFit Thermal – CrossFit Take 20 minutes to find a 2RM deadlift. You may not drop and reset for the 2nd rep – it must be touch-and-go for both to count. For the metcon, deload to 65% of your new 2RM and do the couplet of deadlifts and burpees. Unlike “Murph” yesterday, don’t pace this one – go all out from the start! Strength Deadlift (2RM) Conditioning Metcon (Time) 5 rounds for time: 5 deadlifts, 65% of 2 RM 10 burpees
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Take 20 minutes to find a 2RM deadlift. You may not drop and reset for the 2nd rep – it must be touch-and-go for both to count. For the metcon, deload to 65% of your new 2RM and do the couplet of deadlifts and burpees. Unlike “Murph” yesterday, don’t pace this one – go all out from the start! Thank you to everyone who came out to do “Murph” (or cheer for those who were doing the workout) and a huge thank you to Cindy and Jeff for hosting a great shin-dig at their house for Memorial Day! Strength 2 RM Deadlift Conditioning 5 rounds for time: 5 deadlifts, 65% of 2 RM 10 burpees
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“Murph” run 1 mile 100 pull-ups 200 push-ups 300 air squats run 1 mile wear a 20# vest if you have one
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Take 15-20 minutes to find a max OHS from the rack. The metcon is a descending couplet, but after each “round” you will do a rope climb. So start with 12 power cleans and 12 burpee box jumps, then 1 rope climb. You will finish with 3 power cleans, 3 burpee box jumps, and 1 rope climb. Strength 1RM OHS Conditioning For time: 12-9-6-3 power cleans, 135/95# burpee box jumps, 24/20″ after each round, 1 rope climb
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