
Strength Shoulder Press 5, 5, 3, 3, 2, 2 Conditioning AMRAP in 15 minutes: 7 muscle-ups 7 shoulder-to-overhead, 115/75# 49 double unders
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Find a 5 rep max, then do 3 Tabatas with 1 minute rest between movements. Score each separately for total reps. Strength 5RM Back Squat Conditioning Tabata: Thrusters, 75/55# rest 1 minute KB swings, 53/35# rest 1 minute Sit-ups
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Take about 20 minutes to work up to a heavy 3 rep deadlift, then deload to a moderate weight (60-70%) and do three rounds for time of deadlifts and burpees over bar. Treat this as much as a sprint as you can! Strength Deadlift 3, 3, 3 Conditioning 3 rounds for time: 15 deadlifts, 255/175# 15 burpees over bar
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Start at any station with a partner and do as many reps as possible in 2 minutes. You may switch at any point and scale as necessary for each individual. (try to use the same barbell weight if possible) Rotate in the order written and repeat so you hit each station 3 times. Your score is total reps. In teams of two: AMRAP in 2 minutes at each station (no rest between stations) Clean and jerk, 155/105# Double Unders Rope Climbs Toes to bar repeat for a total of 3 rounds (12 total stations)
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Get at least two heavy sets of five overhead squats, then two sets of three. For the metcon, snatches may be full or power. The push-ups will fatigue your shoulders, so efficiency on the snatch will be key! Strength OHS 5, 5, 3, 3 Metcon 5 rounds for time: 5 snatches (anyhow), 135/95# 25 push-ups
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