
For snatch push presses, take the bar out of the rack in a back squat position, then step out and slide your hands out to the desired width. From there, do 3 push presses from your back. Lowering the bar back to the back rack seems to be problematic for some people, so be sure to warm up your mobility if you know you’re tight in the pecs and shoulders. For the metcon, you will buy into the workout with 30 burpees over the bar, then with whatever time you have remaining, complete the AMRAP. Strength 3RM Snatch Push Press Conditioning In 10 minutes: 30 burpees over bar, then AMRAP: 10 front rack lunges (5L/5R), 95/65# 10 power snatches, 95/65# 10 push presses, 95/65#
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  In teams of 3, one person starts at each station. (Ideally, your team uses the same weights for the power cleans and KB thrusters) KB thrusters are done by holding two KBs (one in each hand) in a front rack position and doing thrusters. Don’t underestimate these – scale the weight if necessary! After every 2 minutes, rotate to the next station and keep track of your reps. In teams of 3, AMRAP in 18 minutes (rotate every 2 min.): Station 1: Row (cals) Station 2: 7 power cleans, 155/105# 14 wall balls, 20/14# Station 3: 7 KB thrusters, 53/35# 21 double unders Level 2 E:90 for 18 minutes Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press + Jerk (185/125) You choice gymnastic x10  10 burpees
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“Murph” is coming up soon, so what better way to test our gymnastics and prep for Murph than to do “Cindy.” This is a classic benchmark workout, and since it’s an AMRAP, feel free to challenge yourself on the pull-up and push-up scales – you might choose to do a harder scale and get less rounds than previously, but that’s fine! Now you’ve set a new baseline for yourself. “Cindy” AMRAP in 20 minutes: 5 pull-ups 10 push-ups 15 air squats
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Test your 1RM bench today and go for a new PR if you’re feeling good! For the met-con, go with a moderate dead lift weight that you can either string or knock out with fast-ish singles. Stay tight and accurate on the deads. For T2B focus on pushing down on the bar and try to string sets larger than you normally do! KB swings thrown in to crush your core and make everything more challenging. Test 1RM Bench Press Conditioning AMRAP in 12 Minutes 5 Dead lifts (225/155) 10 Toes to Bar 15 Kettlebell Swings (55/35)
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7/13 Squat Complex will test your squat strength as well as your endurance. Build up to the heaviest weight you can handle with excellent form. Conditioning is a sprint style couplet, go unbroken on thrusters and use max effort on each sprint! Strength 7/13 Back Squat Conditioning 5 rounds: 5 thrusters, 135/95# suicide sprint rest 1-2 minutes
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