Use the strength component as either a 5 rep max or a warm up for “Fran.” (you should still go at least moderately heavy). “Fran” is the “bench press” of CrossFit – the one benchmark that everyone should experience in their CrossFit career and comiserate over with a fellow CrossFitter. Similar to “Grace” we are looking at sub 10 minutes, but really aim for 5 minutes or so. If this is your first time Rx’ing Fran, your time might be slower than last – that’s ok! But if you are Rx’ing “Fran” and your time is 12+ minutes, then we have lost the intensity that we most likely needed. Strength Front Squat 5, 5, 5 For Time “Fran” 21-15-9 Thrusters, 95/65# Pull-ups
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