
During the EMOM you may add weight to the 3 power snatches each round or stay at the same weight across. You may also regrip at the bottom. Alternate them with 10 toes-to-bar. Use the same power snatch weight for your power cleans in the metcon. Scale rope climbs to 3 rope pulls. For the burpee box jumps, you do not need to open your hips on top of the box, just get to the other side and do a burpee to get back over. Alternating EMOM for 10 min: A.) 3 Power snatches, heavy B.) 10 toes-to-bar Conditioning AMRAP in 15 min: 1 rope climb 5 power cleans 10 burpee box jumps, 24/20″
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Use the strength component as either a 5 rep max or a warm up for “Fran.” (you should still go at least moderately heavy). “Fran” is the “bench press” of CrossFit – the one benchmark that everyone should experience in their CrossFit career and comiserate over with a fellow CrossFitter. Similar to “Grace” we are looking at sub 10 minutes, but really aim for 5 minutes or so. If this is your first time Rx’ing Fran, your time might be slower than last – that’s ok! But if you are Rx’ing “Fran” and your time is 12+ minutes, then we have lost the intensity that we most likely needed. Strength Front Squat 5, 5, 5 For Time “Fran” 21-15-9 Thrusters, 95/65# Pull-ups
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During warm up, work on your wall walks and/or handstand holds. If holds against a wall are easy, work on free standing or shoulder taps. The workout has double unders and running for the endurance crowd, but it also has heavy deadlifts for the barbell crowd. Deadlift weight should be around 70-75% of your 1RM. Skill wall walks, handstand holds Conditioning For time: 100 double unders 400m run 15 deadlifts, 275/185# 800m run 15 deadlifts, 275/185# 400m run 100 double unders
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During warm up, work on your wall walks and/or handstand holds. If holds against a wall are easy, work on free standing or shoulder taps.The workout has double unders and running for the endurance crowd, but it also has heavy deadlifts for the barbell crowd. Deadlift weight should be around 70-75% of your 1RM. “ For time: 100 double unders 400m run 15 deadlifts, 275/185# 800m run 15 deadlifts, 275/185# 400m run 100 double unders
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Take the thruster from the ground to find your 2RM thruster (you only need to clean it once and a full clean may count as part of your first thruster). A thruster will count as long as the bar motion is continuously upwards. This means landing like a jerk will not count. If the bar stops above your head and you’re fighting to press it out, it will count as long as the bar does not descend at any point. For the triplet, substitute 2 pull-ups and 2 dips for each muscle-up as a progression. Remember, this is two rounds for time, not just 21-15-9! Strength 2RM thruster Conditioning 2 rounds for time: 21 toes-to-bar 15 thrusters, 115/75# 9 muscle-ups
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