
Whether you showed up for the Nutrition Challenge Kickoff or not, you still need to decide if you’re taking on the 30 day Paleo Challenge.  If you’re in, here is what you need to do… Sign up on the whiteboard in the gym, this will serve as a reminder as to who is in and create a community within a community for supporting each other. Read the blog posts on the blog and on FB.  We’ve been putting out tons of material lately and the information you need is out there – stay plugged in!! Optional – Get weighed at Thermal, record this as your starting weight. Optional – Get body fat measurements at Thermal, record this as well. Optional – Take or have photos taken of your “before” self. Create your log.  This can be done using MyFitnessPal, Google Docs, Excel, or you may simply use pen and paper...
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Starting this Saturday, CrossFit Thermal will be offering a level 2 class.  The class will be held every Saturday at 8:00am. What is the class? We’re looking to offer something more for those of you competing in Summer competitions and for anyone looking to get to the next level in CrossFit.  The level 2 Class will be one hour long and include weightlifting and skill work each week.  Programming will be provided and available on the blog and on WODIFY for anyone interested.  There will be a coach present at all sessions, but you will be expected to be able to warm-up and perform the workouts without guidance. Who should come to the class? The more the merrier of course, but anyone looking to show up to level 2 should be able to handle themselves with regard to scaling and loads.  If you typically RX or get close to RX...
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For strength, take the bar from the ground for your front squats. You can either power clean and do 5 front squats or receive it in a full clean and count that as your first squat. Alternate those with 5-10 toes-to-bar. These do not need to be unbroken, but if you need to work on stringing, then do so. The metcon should be treated as a semi-sprint: while you don’t want to go 100% out of the gate, figure out the best pace to get everything done as quickly as possible. That 400m run should be a sprint! Strength Alternating EMOM for 10 minutes: A.) 5 front squats, heavy B.) 5-10 toes-to-bar Conditioning For time: 1000m row 30 OHS, 95/65# 400m run
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“Nate” is a great hero WOD to work on our gymnastics – two very high skill movements that we can work on in the beginning of class. If you have strict pull-ups, consider doing strict or kipping RING pull-ups – it will hit your bicep way more than bar pull-ups! “Nate” AMRAP in 20 minutes: 2 muscle-ups 4 HSPUs 8 KB swings, 70/53#
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Yesterday was heavily focused on the posterior chain – glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. Today we’re focusing more on the anterior (front) of our legs, mostly on the quads. The higher the bar is on your back, the more you’ll use your quads. The lower the bar is on your back, the more you’ll lean forward and need to use your posterior chain. Find a 1RM back squat, then hit this metcon like “Fran” – it should be as fast as possible, no pacing! Strength 1RM Back squat Conditioning For time: 21-15-9 thrusters, 95/65# box jumps, 24/20″
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