You’ve been coming to Thermal every day and putting in work. You’ve been dialing in your lifts and hitting PRs. You’ve crushed met-cons, improved your scales and changed your physique. We’re proud of the work you’ve done, and now we’re going to ask you to do more. It’s time to tackle the Spring 2016 “CrossFit Thermal Nutrition Challenge”. Often times what separates an average athlete from an advanced one, are elements that our controlled outside the gym setting. The most important factors for most of us are stress level, sleep and nutrition. Believe it or not, all three of these items work hand in hand. Starting this month, we’ll be hosting a challenge open to all Thermal athletes. Our plan is to make improvements to how we look, feel and perform through a group, goal oriented, coach led nutrition challenge. What is the Challenge? For the next 30 days, we’re...
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