
For John, “working out” has taken many different forms over the years. He first began hitting the gym while in his teens at a boarding school in CT. He spent 100% of his time in the gym performing dumbbell bench press, bicep curls, tricep extensions, and crunches, though there are numerous shirtless photos of a pastey toothpick that serve to remind him that his time would have been better spent elsewhere. In college, John was told to focus his academic pursuits and choose a major, so, he took this advice to heart and specialized his weightlifting movements as well, dropping the beach body exercises and spending four years honing the art of the dumb bell bench press. Over time, he worked his way through the weight rack and was able to throw up the heaviest dumbbells in the gym (120#). Feeling unfulfilled, John did what any liberal arts college intellectual...
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The blackout continues….
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Today’s workout is Blacked out ENJOY!!!!
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Beach season is around the corner, let’s get swole with some benching! 8 reps is a good compromise between absolute strength and hypertrophy. We’ll get the pump on with our last set – max reps at 80% of your 8RM. Metcon is a straight forward couplet of overhead squats and burpees over bar. No need to face the bar, just do them alongside the barbell. Strength Bench Press 8RM, ME at 80% of 8RM Conditioning 5 rounds for time: 10 OHS, 95/65# 10 burpees over bar
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For strength, this is an alternating EMOM for 10 minutes of strict pull-ups and turkish get-ups. You may scale the pull-ups using bands, but they should still be strict form. Choose a heavy, but doable weight for the turkish get-ups prior to starting and stick with that weight throughout. Don’t rush through those, you have plenty of time. The AMRAP is an ascending ladder – KB swings are heavy (70/53) – we would rather you go heavy and russian swing than stick with the same weight you always use. KB and toes-to-bar ascend by 1 rep each round while double unders ascend by 5 reps each round. Score will be round + reps (e.g. 9 + 20) Strength Alternating EMOM for 10 minutes: 10 strict pull-ups 2 Turkish get-ups (1L/1R) Conditioning AMRAP in 15 minutes: 1 KB swing, 70/53# 1 toes-to-bar 5 double unders 2 KB swings 2 toes-to-bar 10...
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