
In the beginning of class, find a 1RM clean (full squat, no power) In between attempts, work on your handstand progression – hold a handstand against a wall, practice kicking up, attempt freestanding handstands, etc. The metcon is death by thrusters. Once the clock starts, do 1 thruster the first minute, 2 thrusters the 2nd minute, etc. If you can go all 12 minutes, you are finished. If you cannot complete the required work (e.g. you can only do 6 thrusters when you should have completed 8) then you will do X burpees EMOM for the remainder of 12 minutes. E.g. using the example of failing at the “8” round, you would have successfully completed 7 thrusters in the previous round, so now you will do 7 burpees EMOM for the remainder of the time. Everyone finishes at 12:00 minutes whether they’re doing thrusters or burpees. Strength Alternating: A.) Clean,...
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AMRAP in 20 minutes: run 400m 20 OHS, 95/65# 20 box jumps, 24/20″ 20 push presses, 95/65# then, in exactly 7 minutes establish 2RM should to overhead
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In the back squat, we like to set the bar high on the traps so that our chest can be as vertical as possible – this emulates the front squat which is used in the clean. Getting stronger in the back squat should translate into getting stronger in the clean. The metcon is a gymnastic chipper. If you’re newer to CrossFit, you may want to scale the number of pull-ups down to 35/20/10 ring rows or banded pull-ups. Strength Back squat 4, 4, 4 Conditioning For time: 75 air squats 50 pull-ups 20 ring dips 50 air squats 35 pull-ups 15 ring dips 25 air squats 20 pull-ups 10 ring dips
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Take 15-20 minutes to work on your power snatch. Try to land in the same foot position as a full snatch. For the metcon, you will buy in with 100 double unders and then complete the 9-12-15 AMRAP in the remaining time. The quicker you get the double unders done, the more time you have for the AMRAP. The ground-to-overhead may be snatches or clean and jerks, your choice. Strength Power snatch 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 Conditioning in 13 minutes: 100 double unders, then AMRAP 9 ground-to-overhead, 115/75# 12 burpees over bar 15 box jumps, 24/20″
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Work up to three heavy sets of three front squats from the rack. If you’re feeling good (no sore backs from 16.4??) then go for a max. The metcon is a series of three Tabatas: thrusters, push-ups, and sit-ups. This is eight rounds of twenty seconds work, ten seconds rest. Count total reps across all eight sets. Each movement will be scored separately (i.e. you’ll have a thrusters score, push-up score, and sit-up score.) Strength Front Squat 3, 3, 3 Metcon Tabata: Thruster, 75/55# Push-ups Sit-ups rest 1 minute between Tabatas
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1 171 172 173 174 175 246