
For strength, the hang clean should pass through a squat. Then your jerk may be a push jerk or split jerk. Do two hang clean + jerks every minute on the minute for 9 sets. You may drop between each hang clean + jerk. The metcon is designed for you to just keep moving. For those looking for a good sweat, here it is! Strength EMOM for 9 minutes: 2 hang clean and jerks Metcon 3 rounds for time: 20 KB swings, 53/35# 40 double unders 20 burpees
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Take 20 minutes to find a max snatch (full squat is a priority – then move to a power snatch if desired – note both weights in Wodify) The metcon is a building ladder of overhead squats and toes-to-bar. Challenge yourself to string as many unbroken sets as you can. Strength 1RM Snatch Conditioning AMRAP in 12 minutes: 1 OHS, 95/65# 2 toes-to-bar 2 OHS 4 toes-to-bar 3/6..4/8..5/10..etc.
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Almost never is it a good idea to go a week or more without squatting.  Today, lets build up to a heavy 5 rep, add a bit more weight then find a heavy 3 rep for the day.  These don’t have to be maxes, but lets feel some heavy weight for sure. For conditioning we’ll be tackling an interval style workout chock full of movements that we’re bound to see in either 16.4 or 16.5.  Your score will be your total number of HSPU (ugh, the worst).  Have fun!! Strength Back Squat 5, 5, 3, 3 Conditioning 5 rounds of 2 min. work, 1 min rest: 10 deadlifts, 135/95# 10 box jumps, 24/20″ ME HSPUs
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“Drew” A repeat Member WOD – compare to 3/31/15. There will be a time cap of 35 minutes. “Drew” For time: 33 wall balls, 20/14# then 12 rounds: 6 pull ups 4 push presses, 95/65# 5 front squats, 95/65# 10 KB swings, 55/35#
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Strength is an alternating EMOM today. Set up a bar with 205/135 or about 70-75% of your max power clean. On the first minute, complete 3 power cleans. On the second minute complete max reps of ring dips in :30 and continue in that fashion for 12 minutes. Your score for the EMOM will simply be RX or scaled, and dips will be the total number of reps completed. Conditioning is a two person workout for time with one athlete working at a time. You may split the work anyway you’d like but you must complete the work in the order it is written. Strength Alternating EMOM for 12 Minutes A) 3 power cleans (205/135) B) :30 ME ring dips Conditioning In teams of 2 complete for time Row 2K 100 Double unders 50 burpees
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