
Let’s get out and enjoy the warm weather. You’ll come in from the run a bit out of breath, but make sure you brace the midline for those deadlifts (keep those backs strong and neutral!) Will we see wall balls in 16.3? Maybe, so let’s practice those too. AMRAP in 30 minutes: 400m run 10 deadlifts, 225/155# 20 wall balls, 20/14#
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Find a new 1RM front squat from the racks. Keep those elbows up and control your descent while driving up as fast as you can from the bottom. The metcon consists of snatches and box jumps. The snatches descend in reps, but ascend in weight while the box jumps remain constant. You may perform any style snatch you’d like (power, full, or split) Strength 1RM Front Squat Conditioning For time: 25 snatches, 75/55# 15 box jumps, 24/20″ 20 snatches, 95/65# 15 box jumps, 24/20″ 15 snatches, 115/75# 15 box jumps, 24/20″ 10 snatches, 135/95# 15 box jumps, 24/20″
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You’ll have 4 minutes for each couplet. For instance, you will have 4 minutes to complete a 500m row and then as many rope climbs or pulls as possible in the remaining time. Then you’ll rest 4 minutes. Then you’ll have 4 minutes to complete 100 double unders and as many dumbbell snatches (alternating arms) as possible in the remaining time. Then you’ll rest 4 minutes. Continue to finish the 500m row/burpees and 100 double unders/KB swings in the same fashion. You’ll have a separate score for each (rope climbs, DB snatches, burpees, and swings) If 100 double unders is out of reach for you, then stop at 2 minutes and move on to the max effort portions. For those who are going to repeat 16.2, you must have a judge. Since the regular WOD is built off 4 minute sections, it should be easy to keep time for yourselves....
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Strength 5RM Deadlift Conditioning AMRAP in 15 minutes: 1 pull-ups 1 wall balls, 20/14# 1 push presses, 95/65# 2 pull-ups 2 wall balls 2 push presses 3,3,3..4,4,4..etc. For strength find a 5RM deadlift – use a double overhand grip if you’d like to improve your pulling strength for the clean. Then for the metcon, setup a bar and wall ball for the ascending ladder. You add a rep per round and score it as rounds + reps.
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CrossFit Thermal – CrossFit Strength Deadlift (5RM) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP in 15 minutes: 1 pull-ups 1 wall balls, 20/14# 1 push presses, 95/65# 2 pull-ups 2 wall balls 2 push presses 3,3,3..4,4,4..etc.
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