
This is a team workout consisting of clean and jerks and rowing. The workout will be 30 minutes in length: the first 15 minutes will be for clean and jerks and the second 15 minutes will be for rowing (no rest between portions). With one bar, take turns finding a 1RM clean and jerk. You may go in any order and change weights as needed. There is no limit to the number of attempts. At exactly 15:00, everyone must stop doing clean and jerks and one person from each team starts on the rower. After every 10 calories that person must get off the rower and the next person goes. This is a relay style event and you must keep the order. In Wodify, put your individual CJ weight and put the team total in the notes section (because it will pop up everytime you CJ), but the metcon can...
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You read that right: 50 rounds. This workout will hopefully allow you to work on some volume without going to failure as much as usual, especially with movements like push-ups. If push-ups come easy to you, try ring dips. You’re going to need a counting system for this one! 50 rounds for time: 1 knee-to-elbow 2 push-ups* 3 KB swings, 53/35# *Rx+ ring dips
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Find your 1RM overhead squat – get someone to watch your depth to make sure it’s legit. Remember, this is a 1RM overhead squat where you reach parallel or lower – meaning if you do a heavier weight but don’t reach depth, it doesn’t count (unless you physically cannot reach depth with PVC pipe) After that we have an AMRAP where you may only score a couple of rounds. Use the same weight for both power snatches and push presses. Strength 1RM OHS Conditioning AMRAP in 15 minutes: 20 power snatches, 95/65# 40 walking lunges (20L/20R) 20 push presses, 95/65# 40 wall balls, 20/14#
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Take 15-20 minutes to establish a 1RM shoulder press from the racks. No bending the knees at any point! Then warm up your deadlift to a heavy weight (~80%) and prepare for bar muscle-ups or some modification for an upper body pull (chest-to-bar pull-up, pull-up, ring row) You will have 90 seconds to do 5 heavy deadlifts, then as many bar muscle-ups as possible in the remaining time. After that you will have 1 minute to rest. Repeat for a total of 5 rounds. Your score is the total number of bar muscle-ups you completed. Strength 1RM Shoulder Press Conditioning 5 rounds, 90 seconds work, 1 min rest: 5 deadlifts, 315/215# ME bar muscle-ups
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U.S. Air Force Major David “Klepto” L. Brodeur, 34, of Auburn, Massachusetts, assigned to the 11th Air Force, based at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, died on April 27, 2011 in Kabul, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained from gunfire from an Afghan military trainee. He is survived by his wife Susie, daughter Elizabeth, and son David. “Klepto” 4 rounds for time: 27 box jumps, 24/20″ 20 burpees 11 squat cleans, 145/100#
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