
Team up in 3’s (ideally). These are two relay races, one starts at 0:00 and the second starts at 12:00. One person will start at the end of the gym and run about 3 mats to the first station and do 5 power cleans. Then move forward a mat to do 10 sit-ups, then move forward a mat to do 7 box jump overs (either jump on top of the box or completely over). Sprint back, tag the next person, and continue in that fashion until everyone has gone 3 times through. If you finish before 12:00, you rest. If you don’t finish before 12:00, then your extra reps will be added to that time (20 extra reps = time of 12:20) At 12:00, setup your new stations (or before if you finish early) At 13:00, the second relay starts. Same fashion as the first relay. For Apollo Onos, Rx...
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Take the first 10 or so minutes of class to find a max height box jump. Stack plates (not boxes) to get your desired height. “Cindy” should be treated any way you need – some may want to scale so that you can get 15+ rounds, while others just got their unassisted pull-ups and want to go Rx. Since it’s an AMRAP, this is a safe place to experiment and challenge yourself. Scaling options include reducing the rep scheme (3-6-9 or 4-8-12) or doing assisted pull-ups with a band or ring rows, and doing inclined push-ups. Skill Max Height Box Jump Conditioning “Cindy” AMRAP in 20 minutes: 5 pull-ups 10 push-ups 15 air squats
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Strength is a superset of push presses and rope climbs. Choose a weight that is fairly heavy for 5 push presses and stay at that weight across 5 sets. In between, do 1-3 rope climbs depending on your proficiency. Remember to use your legs to stand up on the rope rather than use your arms to pull yourself up. It makes a huge difference! The metcon is a familiar format: 1 minute to get 5 power snatches done and then as many burpees as possible in the remaining time. Then rest 1 minute. Do this for 5 rounds and your score is the total amount of burpees completed. Hand release burpees simply means you lift your hands off the floor slightly at the bottom of the burpee! Strength / Skill A.) 5 x 5 push presses B.) 5 x 1-3 rope climbs Conditioning 5 rounds for reps: 1 min. to...
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We will most likely see muscle-ups of some kind in the Open, so use the beginning of class to work on progressions for the bar and ring muscle-ups. Then we will revisit the Open workout “15.2.” This is an AMRAP that is designed not to have many rounds due to the high amount of reps per round. Use this link to read more about scaling options and look up your score from last year. Skill Muscle Up Open WOD 15.2 AMRAP in 14 minutes 7 muscle-ups 50 wall balls, 20/14# 100 double unders
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Take note that back squats today are PAUSE back squats – we’re looking for a 3 count hold in the bottom for each squat (“1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi”) and that count starts once you get to the bottom, not as you ascend. The metcon is straight forward – 3 rounds for time of 15 overhead squats and 15 toes-to-bar. Scale the weight so OHS’ take 1-3 sets to complete each round. Strength Pause Back squat 5, 5, 5 Conditioning 3 rounds for time: 15 overhead squats, 95/65# 15 toes-to-bar
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1 183 184 185 186 187 246