
In teams of 2, you’ll find a 3RM thruster from the ground. You’ll use 1 bar and have only 9 minutes to do so, so you must work quickly. The thruster comes from the ground and you may either power clean it or squat clean it. If you squat clean it, you may do your first thruster from there. After the strength component, setup your bars for the metcon. As partners, you will do an ascending ladder of clean and jerks, burpees, and box jumps. You may partition any part of this workout any way you would like. Some teams might have one person do one of each movement, then their partner does 2 of each movement, etc. while another team might switch partners after each movement is completed. You may also break up each set with your partner. Communication is key since only one person is allowed to work...
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Classes are cancelled today – 1/23/16
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For strength, establish a max snatch. For those that prefer power snatches, do full squat snatches until you can’t do the weight, then you may go for the power variation. For the metcon, you’ll do 10 HSPUs, 10 wall balls, 9 HSPUs, 9 wall balls, etc. down to 1 HSPU and 1 wall ball. Scale HSPUs to pike box handstand push-ups, stink bugs, or dumbbell presses. Strength Snatch 1,1,1,1,1,1 Conditioning 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 for time: HSPUs Wall balls, 20/14#
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A variation of a benchmark workout (Filthy Fifty) we are using half the reps, but doing two rounds. Run through this finishing 25 reps of each exercise, then move onto the next. After the double unders, go back and start over for the second round. If you have a Filthy Fifty time, compare it to today! “Filthy, Filthy Fifty” 2 rounds for time: 25 Box jumps, 24/20″ 25 Jumping pull-ups 25 Kettlebell swings, 53/35# 25 Walking lunges 25 Knees to elbows 25 Push presses, 45# 25 Supermans 25 Wall balls, 20/14# 25 Burpees 25 Double unders
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With the 2016 CrossFit Open less than 2 months away, we will be throwing in past Open workouts as the daily WOD. This will be practice for you as an athlete AND as a judge in many cases. While we always strive to have good range of motion and count correctly, we will treat these WODs as a competition – you will have counters and will get no-repped if you do not achieve full range of motion. For this workout, it is an AMRAP in 10 minutes of 5 shoulder to overhead, 10 deadlifts, and 15 box jumps. The STO may be push presses or jerks. The standard for box jumps will be similar to what we do for regular class: establish control on top of the box with hips open. You may also step up/down and count it as a good rep. CF Open 13.2 AMRAP in 10 minutes:...
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