Spend 15-20 minutes and work through two working sets of 5 shoulder press and three working sets of 3 shoulder presses. These do not need to be maxes unless you’re feeling it. The metcon is a throwback to the CrossFit Open – 15.1. For those that did this workout back in the spring, you can compare your score. If you didn’t get the chance to do the Open, then you’ll get a taste of what’s to come in a few months. Deadlift and snatch weight should be the same. CrossFit HQ said the scaled version of this is 15 hanging knee raises, and 85/55# for the deadlifts and snatches. They also said the snatches for scaled could be “ground to overhead” meaning clean and jerks were allowed. You may use this suggestion or another appropriate scale for you as usual. Strength Shoulder Press 5, 5, 3, 3, 3 Conditioning Open...
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