Get ready for the last week of Oak Strong! We will be testing our 1RM (or 5RM) back squats and shoulder presses on Thursday so plan accordingly. Of course you may test on your own in the Forge if you can’t make it Thursday, but we know the class environment is typically better for maxes. Thruster weight for the metcon should be moderately heavy – you should be able to do all 5 without dropping the bar for most sets, especially in the beginning. Toes to bar can be scaled to high knee raises if you have active lats, otherwise do V-ups. Lastly, most of you should be doing double unders, but you might need to scale down the number. Strength Oak Strong Conditioning AMRAP in 12 minutes: 5 thrusters, 115/75# 10 toes to bar 35 double unders
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