
Get ready for the last week of Oak Strong! We will be testing our 1RM (or 5RM) back squats and shoulder presses on Thursday so plan accordingly. Of course you may test on your own in the Forge if you can’t make it Thursday, but we know the class environment is typically better for maxes. Thruster weight for the metcon should be moderately heavy – you should be able to do all 5 without dropping the bar for most sets, especially in the beginning. Toes to bar can be scaled to high knee raises if you have active lats, otherwise do V-ups. Lastly, most of you should be doing double unders, but you might need to scale down the number. Strength Oak Strong Conditioning AMRAP in 12 minutes: 5 thrusters, 115/75# 10 toes to bar 35 double unders
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Pair up and work in teams of 2 for both parts today. Take the first 5 minutes to find a max broad jump. Measurement will be NFL combine style – start with toes on a line and jump with both feet leaving the ground at the same time. The distance measured will be from the line you started to the heel that is closest to the line (not the toes) Then in the same team of 2, you’ll do 2 rounds for time of 50 clean and jerks, 100 sit-ups, 150 air squats, and 800m run. Those numbers are for you as a team and you may split the reps up anyway you want. The run must be done together (no running ahead) Test In teams of 2: 1RM Broad Jump (each) Conditioning In Teams of 2, 2 rounds for time: 50 clean and jerks, 95/65# 100 sit-ups 150 air...
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Today’s workout is courtesy of CF Grand View in Columbus, OH. Coach P had the chance to drop in and do this one. For skill work, do 1 rope climb every minute on the minute. Work in pairs if you need to. We will have the ropes over the pull-up bars for those that need to do rope pulls. Focus on the technique of using your feet. Then for the metcon, you’ll do 21-15-9 of moderate deadlifts and pull-ups. Scale in such a way that the work takes less than 10 minutes (ideally between 5-8, less if you’re very proficient) Skill EMOM for 10 minutes: 1 rope climb Conditioning For time: 21-15-9 Deadlifts, 225/155# Pull-ups
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Today we have a chipper with a twist. Work through each movement, completing 50 reps of each before moving to the next one. Every minute you’ll have to stop what you’re doing and drop down for 2 perfect push-ups. Scale these to the modified version if you need to, but keep moving quickly. For Time 50 Box Jumps 50 Walking Lunges 50 Sit-ups 50 Wall Balls 50 Kettlebell Swings(55/35) with 2 push-ups EMOM
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At one end of the gym we’ll have barbells set up in a staggered layout. When your heat is up, clean your barbell and quickly do 5 front squats. After the 5th rep, drop the bar and sprint through the suicide run. You may clean (full) your first rep if you choose and then add 4 squats. Athletes will recover between heats and be give minimum :90 seconds rest between efforts.  Record your slowest time for the sprint. Strength Oak Strong Conditioning 5 rounds: 5 front squats, 135/95# suicide sprint
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