
CrossFit Conshohocken – CrossFit Level Method day 2 testing. This time we are going to do one of the components of your weightlifting levels with the power clean, and attack coordination and core endurance with Annie. Let’s attack it with a strong mind and body. View Public Whiteboard Power Clean (1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1) 1RM Annie (Time) 50-40-30-20-10 Double-unders Sit-ups
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CrossFit Conshohocken – CrossFit Today we have a two piece workout where we can bring some accessory style lifting in. These lifts are important to do to help the small muscles of the joints that we normally overlook. The metcon is a heavy breathing workout. Simple yet effective. View Public Whiteboard
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Hey guys, happy Friday (I think some of you are trying rename it Friyay), Tomato, TomAto…anyway. Lots to get out today so I thought it would be a good idea to re-awaken the old Blog! First, shouting out Brian’s AKA B-Hung’s birthday, hope you’re getting in some golf today bro. This week we held our first outdoor classes, thanks to everyone who came out! We’ll continue with these as long as people are into it, and the weather cooperates. That being said if we do have to cancel due to weather or the likelihood of weather in the forecast, we will make all efforts to do so 1 hour prior to the start of class times. Hosting outdoor classes in the rain just doesn’t make sense for plenty of reasons. Additionally, we may get pushed through to the coveted green phase sooner rather than later, so this may soon be...
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When we set out to design our new logo, we wanted to make sure we captured the essence of what we do, and not just use a random image and word combination. It turns out that the professionals who actually do this stuff, are pretty awesome. They psychoanalyzed me, and asked over 20 different questions about what we do before delivering over 90 designs for me to look at. I’ve seen a ton of logos in the CrossFit space, and from other micro gyms and you can tell which owners designed them themselves, and which ones asked for help. Ever see a bulldog biting a barbell with a kettlebell for a collar? How about a silhouette of someone snatching a thousand pounds with the name written out in comic sans? Oh those are real logos, they’re out there. I wanted us to be better; here is what our logo means...
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For all Classes on Saturday 12/21 Like the song the “12 Days of Christmas,” complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down to 1, adding one exercise per round. Like this: 1; 2-1; 3-2-1; 4-3-2-1; etc – for a total of 364 reps. 1 Bar mu 2 Burpees over the bar 3 Box jumps (24/20) 4 Dumbbell snatches (50/35) 5 Pullups 6 Thrusters (115/75) 7 Kettlebell swings (70/55) 8 Back Squats (115/75) 9 Toes to bar 10 Pushups 11 Hang clean and jerks (115/75) 12 Handstand Push-ups
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