
Alternating EMOM x 10 A. Strict Pull-ups (work :30-40) B. Double Under Practice (practice , 20,30 or 40) AMRAP in 12 Minutes 6 clean and jerks (135/95) 8 Toes to Bar 10 Burpees Over Bar
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Strength Take 15 minutes to build to a heavy 2 rep Thruster Conditioning 4 Rounds For Time 15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) Row 15/12 Calories 15 Dead lifts (135/95)  
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Partner Chipper Partners may switch at will, but only work one at a time. 3 Rounds for Time 40 Pull-ups 30 Dumbell Snatches R/L (50/35) 40 Wall Ball Shots (20/14) 30 Synchro Burpees cap 30 minutes
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We have a shorter strength component today to save room for our interval work. (and rest)  Add weight as needed throughout the EMOM building to a heavy complex 1+1. EMOM x 8 minutes 1 Power Clean + 1 Push Press Conditioning 4 Intervals for Time Record your slowest 12/9 Calorie Assault Bike 7 Power Cleans (165/115) 1 Rope Climb
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Bringing back on old CrossFit Open WOD. Use the beginning of class to dial in toes to bar and warm-up push press. CrossFit Games Open “12.3” AMRAP in 18 minutes: 15 box jumps, 24/20″ 12 push presses, 115/75# 9 toes to bar”
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