
With the Holiday season creeping up, I wanted to get a blog post out there so that everyone knows in advance when we’ll be open.  Check out the dates and times below and hopefully they fit into you and your family’s Thanksgiving plans. Wednesday 11/22     6am, Noon, 4:30 Thanksgiving Day, Thursday 11/23    –   Open Gym 9-11am  Open gym is a great way to come in and get something done before you feast.  Better yet, get together with friends and do a WOD that you’ve been waiting to try. Friday 11/24    Noon, 3:30 WODs + 4:30 Open Gym
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After a few minutes to build up to 85% you’ll be hitting 3 doubles today slightly heavier than we’re used to. Once you get done go right into the snatch high pulls. These are designed to work on completing the second pull and getting the bar as high as possible. Titan Phase 3 Day 6 Snatch Work (22 minutes) Squat Snatch 16 Minutes for 3 x 2 at 85% 3×3 Snatch High Pulls 75% 1RM Conditioning For Time 25 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 50 Hang Power Snatches (75/55) 50 Sit-ups 25 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 15 Minute Cap
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Interval work today guys, aim to complete each in about 3 minutes. You’ll be starting a new interval every 4, so rest is earned today. This is not a typical interval style workout, you won’t be resting nearly as much as you’ll be working. That being said, this will take more of a consistent effort to complete and scaling will be critical considering there are 2 “skills” here. Work with a coach and make sure you hit the stimulus today. Every 4 Minutes for 6 rounds Run 200 Meters 12 Dead lifts (165/115) 8 Handstand Push-ups 30 Double Unders
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Clean work today guys, lets get started by hitting a heavy double. Using that number hit two triples from the hang without dropping the bar. This is a good opportunity for those of you who have felt that your percentage work has been too light. Go heavy on the double and have a solid number to work with. “Titan Phase 3 Day 7 Clean Work (22 minutes) 14 minutes to build to a heavy double Squat Clean 2,2,2,2 8 minutes for 2 x 3 Hang Squat Cleans using 80% of today’s double Conditioning AMRAP in 9 minutes Buy in 500M Row In remaining time 10 Burpee Pull-ups 10 Front Squats (95/65) 10 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65)
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Strength Alternating EMOM x 10 A. Farmers Carry x 4 lengths (70/53) B.  Strict Press 5 reps (athletes choice) Conditioning 10-1 Dead lift (185/125) Box jump over (24/20) Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
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