
If you don’t have a new squat clean number from Titan Phase 3, please use 85% of what you best clean for the front squats. If your power clean is heavier use that number for your 90%. Running Fran is much easier than “Fran” but its still a nice burner, lets push it on those runs and go for big sets today. Strength Front Squat 4 x 3 (using 90% of your new squat clean) 15 minutes cap Conditioning For Time “Running Fran” 400m Run 21 Thrusters (95#/65#) 21 Pull-ups 400m Run 15 Thrusters 15 Pull-ups 400m Run 9 Thrusters 9 Pull-ups
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The return of one of our fun house WODs! Fast and hard today for “Bobofet’s Revenge”. Set up with manageable weight for the dead lift and power through. Once we clean and up and cool down we’ll spend the rest of our time working on progressions for the muscle up. Bobofet’s Revenge 21-15-9 Dead lift 185/125 Burpees over Bar 60-40-20 Double Unders *cap 10 minutes Take 15 minutes to work on MU progressions. A. Accumualte 30 Ring Muscle Ups B. Jumping MU C. Muscle up transitions (low) D. Pulling Strength – Bent over rows 4×8
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Our second component for Titan Phase 3 is the infamous Snatch. Today we’ll be working up to a heavy single to see where we are. Start with a warm-up complex to get dialed in, then go for a heavy attempt. Make sure that you’re receiving the bar below parallel. Titan 3 Day 2 Practice 0:00-7:00 Titan Snatch Complex 1 x 5 (start light and build by feel) Power Snatch + Overhead Squat Test 0:00-20:00 1 RM Squat Snatch Conditioning AMRAP in 11 minutes 20 Overhead Squats (45/33) 20 Sit-ups 20 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
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Lets turn on those engines today and go for max rounds and reps. We’ll spend time before class finding appropriate weights and mobilizing for this long sweat fest. AMRAP in 20 minutes 10 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 10 Pull-ups 10 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75) 10/8 Calorie Row
Read more Titan is back and today is test day. Lets start the day with a practice complex designed to get you ready to test your 1RM. After warm-up, dive into a complex of 1 power clean and + one front squat. The idea here is to dial in your pulling mechanics and accelerate the bar nice and high as well as to prepare your for pulling under the bar by loosening up your bottom position. record your heaviest lift that you receive below parallel. Titan 3 Day 1 Practice 0:00-7:00 Titan Clean Complex 1 x 5 (start at 50% est. 1RM) Power Clean + Front Squat Test 0:00-20:00 1 RM Squat Clean For Time Run 400M 80 Wall Ball Shots (20/14) Run 400M hard time cap 12 minutes
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