
Coming up on 4 years as a gym, its safe to say we’ve done hundreds of WODs as a group.  We’ve grown a ton over the last year and I feel like we’re starting to have an identity. I’m happy to introduce our first ever batch of “House WODs” These are WODs that we can use as benchmarks that have special meaning to us as a community but they also test our fitness in a broad range of skill and ability.  We had a solid response in attendance for all of these WODs and there was a great buzz surrounding each one. Looking forward to repeating these all by years end…
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Take the first few minutes of class to work your power snatch up to about 50/60%. You’ll then hit a 7 minute EMOM of 3 snatches. The snatches should be quick but not necessarily touch and go. You’ll us the extra time after each lift to add weight as needed. Increase weight on successful sets. Strength EMOM x 7 Power Snatch x 3 increasing weight Conditioning AMRAP in 12 Minutes 12 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 9 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 12 Overhead Plate Lunges (45/25) 9 Push-ups
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On the call of 3,2,1 GO, athletes will begin working in a 4 minute window – run 400M, come in and complete 10 front squats and with the remaining time, complete max rep toes to bar. Scales should include T2B attempts, V-ups, or sit-ups. Maintain intensity as much as possible. 3 Intervals 4:00 min on 4:00 off Run 400M 10 Front Squats (95/65) ME Toes to Bar increase barbell weight each round *round 2 115/75 *round 3 135/95 athletes are responsible for loading their own bars during rest preiods  
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Josh Everett, TrainHeroic, and the CrossFit™ community rallied together in spectacular fashion to support the Autism community in a worldwide workout event called LiftUpLuke on October of 2013. This “competition for a cause” specifically sought to support early diagnosis and treatment of Autism, raise funds for the Autism Tree Project Foundation in San Diego, and most importantly, turn a global spotlight on the measured and severe impact of Autism on families and individuals around the world. This year, we’re upping the ante and doubling down our efforts to take the impact of the event to another level. CrossFit Thermal is a registered affiliate supporting “LiftUpLuke” and this year the event will be on 9/23/2017.  Please join us for a great WOD and a great cause.
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We’ll start class with a 21-15-9 triplet keep the dead lifts to a manageable load. Notice that the rep count for the double unders is different than the dead lifts and burpees. To start you’ll hit 21 dead lifts and 21 burpees, then 60 double unders, and so on….. After breakdown we’ll be saving the final 15 minutes of class to work on handstand progressions. If proficient, use option “A”, if not, consider where you are and whats holding you back. Work with a coach to develop a custom approach for over coming your weakness. For Time 21-15-9 Dead lift 185/125 Burpees over Bar 60-40-20 Double Unders Accessory Take 15 minutes for Kipping Handstand Push-ups practice A. complete 3 sets for total reps and record (rest as needed) B. Treat it as an EMOM and complete 1-5 reps about every other minute C. Use the time to improve skill and...
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