
Continuing with our EMOM Sundays – remember guys, no recording results today, set your components and aim to go hard and improve. EMOM by 24 A. Front Squat from Ground x 5 (choose your own weight) B. Assault Bike Calories x 15/10 C. 1 Round of Cindy (5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups and 15 air squats) D. Run 100 M      
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Since we didn’t hit a long one on Friday, lets tackle it today! Both athletes must run and do rope climbs (or scales), barbell work may be split at the athletes discretion. In teams of 2 For Time Run 400M 50 Hang Power Snatches (75/55) 1 Rope Climb 200M Run 50 Shoulder to Overhead (95/75) 1 Rope Climb 200M Run 50 Hang Power Cleans (115/75) 1 Rope Climb 200M Run
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“Lynne” Thanks for the posts about benchmark WODs guys – lets hit one today!  This is how it works…. There is no time element to this WOD, you simply need to complete 5 rounds within the class time, and you may rest as needed between sets.  While using a spotter,  complete max reps of bench press, once you have completed your set immediately move to pull-ups and complete a max effort set. Rules: 1 You must use a spotter 2 You must move IMMEDIATELY from the bench to the bar.  This means that if you need chalk, do it before you bench. 3 Max effort means max effort, no leaving reps in the tank, if you don’t see a significant drop off after each set you are doing something wrong.  Your pull-up set is over once you come off the bar / rings, or can no longer achieve range of...
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For today we’ll be hitting some volume for the overhead squat. We’ve been working a lot on positioning and weight over the past two weeks. Today we lower the weight and go for sets of 10 increasing the weight if needed for each set. The goal here is to stay consistent with form across 10 reps, not to find a 10 RM. Drills this week if not yet able to overhead squat include PVC work, wall squats and holds. If you’ve been improving with this movement, try some pause overhead squats with a barbell. Sets of 5 with a 3 second pause should help you dial in positioning and create stability in the movement. “Overhead Squat” A. 10,10,10 B. If still needed take a 1RM test C. Drills 1. Overhead Squat Hold with PVC :30/:30 2. Pause Overhead Squats x 5 3. Wall Squats x 10 4 intervals resting between...
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Come in today and hit this 4 round burner. Try to keep moving on the box jumps and KB swings, while focusing on a solid kip for in the HSPU. Scale HSPU by range of motion, volume or go to box HSPU. Keep up the intensity and stay under 15 minutes Once the WOD is done, we’ll be breaking down and hitting some accessory work today. KB step ups will be using 2 KBs, advanced athletes try a front rack style, new members go with suitcase style your box height, most won’t need higher than 20″.   4 Rounds for Time 10 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 10 Handstand Push-ups 20 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) cap 15 minutes Accessory Work – Not For Time 3 Sets 10 Alternating KB Step -ups (53/35) paired with Strict Toes to bar (5-10)
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