
Strength Dead lift Take 15 minutes to find a heavy 3 rep dead lift for the day Conditioning 21-15-9 Dead lift (135/95) Push Jerk (135/95) Calorie Row
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At the start of class today, break up into teams of 3 and grab a bike , climbing rope and a dumbbell. Snake format means you follow your partners through movement after movement never passing one another. Maintain this pattern for the full 18 minutes. Scale options 1 Rope Climb = 3 Rope Pulls or 3-7 Strict pull-ups 10/8 Bike Cal = 15/12 Rowing Cal After the AMRAP breakdown and have fun with two separate tests of body-weight ability. Max chin over bar hold and ME Push-ups unbroken. In teams of 3 Using a snake style AMRAP in 18 Bike 10/8 Cal 10 Dumbell Snatches (50/35) 1 Rope Climb Cash Out 1 ME Chin Over Bar hold 1 Set ME Push-ups
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Legend has it that Coach Kate’s favorite movement is the clean and jerk. Kate shares a birthday week with Sam “The Butterfly” Brewer who’s favorite move is the muscle up. Since CF Thermal’s inception we’ve celebrated these two OGs with a WOD that combines their favorites! Let’s have some fun today for the Birthday boy and girl with this one! Split up the reps however you’d like completing 30 reps of each movement as quickly as you can. “Kate C and Sam B” For Time 30 Clean and Jerks (135/95) and 30 Ring Muscle Ups too tough?  Try this as a scale… Scaled Version “Mic and Lola” 30 Clean and Jerks (105/75) 30 Pull-ups 30 Push-ups
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ENGINE ENGINE ENGINE, long and light today guys, find a comfortable pace and stay locked in for this workout. Try to hang on for long sets on the front squats. The weight is light; your brain will be telling you to drop, hang tough and gut it out for some unbroken sets. AMRAP in 25 200M Run 15 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 15 Front Squats (95/65) 15 Burpees
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Legend has it that Coach Kate’s favorite movement is the clean and jerk. Kate shares a birthday week with Sam “The Butterfly” Brewer who’s favorite move is the muscle up. Since CF Thermal’s inception we’ve celebrated these two OGs with a WOD that combines their favorites! Let’s have some fun today for the Birthday boy and girl with this one! Spend time at the start of class dialing in these two higher skill movements, build up in weight and set up scales as needed. Split up the reps however you’d like completing 30 reps of each movement as quickly as you can. “Kate C and Sam B” For Time 30 Clean and Jerks (155/105) and 30 Ring Muscle Ups Scaled Version “Mic and Lola” 30 Clean and Jerks (105/75) 30 Pull-ups 30 Push-ups
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