
Take the beginning of class to dial in shoulder mobility and movement technique. Partner up and set up barbells in the rack taking a few minutes to zero in on the appropriate weight for today. Once you declare that you are starting – that is your set. You have one shot to complete up to 30 reps using the 3 pressing movements. Start with strict press and go until you can not complete any more reps, then without resting begin to accumulate reps using the push press, again, stopping when you can no longer push press. Your last chance to get to 30 will be using the push-jerk. Let’s see how many of us can get to 30 reps! The idea here is building capacity, don’t go for 95 pounds and only get 20 reps, be smart about the weight and make your set count. Titan Day 8 Shoulder Capacity...
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Come and get ready for a fast Met-Con today. Hit a 1K row, then immediately move to a mostly body-weight triplet counting rounds and reps. Once we’ve broken down and recovered, we’ll spend 20 minutes today focusing on learning movement. Where are you in your Muscle Up progression? What’s holding you back?  Choose your area of weakness and dedicate time to improving. AMRAP in 12 Row 1 K Then in remaining Time 20 Overhead Squats (45/33) 20 Sit-ups 20 Push-ups Spend 20 Minutes working on Muscle Up Progressions. Pulling Strength – Pull-ups, Bent Over Rows Kipping – Kip drills / hips to Rings / long hallow, arch Skills, MU Transition, Kipping dips, JMU Proficiency – Accumulate 30 Ring Muscle Ups    
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Looking outside today it’s hard to imagine going out for a run.  But this weather won’t last and its time to get after some running workouts!  CrossFit Thermal is happy to announce the return of “Club Endure” our outdoor running endurance class.  Classes are free to all members and will meet once per week.  These class are shorter distance interval style running workouts designed to improve your endurance and be a lot of fun at the same time.  Check out some changes and improvements to this season’s “Club Endure” and we’ll see you at the track! Cost: Free to all members Location: Colonial Middle School Track – 716 Belvoir Rd, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462.  The track is around the back of the school.  There will be times that we will use the track and times that we will use the field, be ready for both. Time : Every Tuesday evening...
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Long engine work today guys. Try to maintain a nice pace on the runs, don’t just look at it as rest. Same thing on the burpees, steady work throughout the sets. For Time 40 Burpees 40 Toes to Bar Run 400M 30 Burpees 30 Shoulder To Overhead (115/75) Run 400M 20 Burpees 20 Hang Power cleans (115/75) Run 400M
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The front squat strength phase continues today with sets of 5 and 3, as well as a final set of “1 plus” at 95%.  Grind it out for 2 or 3 reps today if you can. For conditioning, lets tackle this sprint style triplet, with some double under work to buy in. Strength Titan Day 7 Front Squat 5 @ 55% 5 @ 65% 5 @ 75% 3 @ 85% 1 + @ 95% For Time Buy In 100 Double Unders Then 21-15-9 Pull-ups Box Jump Overs (24/20)
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