Come and get ready for a fast Met-Con today. Hit a 1K row, then immediately move to a mostly body-weight triplet counting rounds and reps. Once we’ve broken down and recovered, we’ll spend 20 minutes today focusing on learning movement. Where are you in your Muscle Up progression? What’s holding you back? Choose your area of weakness and dedicate time to improving. AMRAP in 12 Row 1 K Then in remaining Time 20 Overhead Squats (45/33) 20 Sit-ups 20 Push-ups Spend 20 Minutes working on Muscle Up Progressions. Pulling Strength – Pull-ups, Bent Over Rows Kipping – Kip drills / hips to Rings / long hallow, arch Skills, MU Transition, Kipping dips, JMU Proficiency – Accumulate 30 Ring Muscle Ups
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