
Start off today with some gymnastics skill work pairing rope climbs with double unders. Choose a reasonable rep count for your ability and work on perfecting your technique. Our Met-con is a 10-1 style couplet of dead lifts and box jump overs. Complete 10 dead litfs, then 10 box jump overs, 9 and 9, 8,8 so on… Alternating EMOM x 10 A. Rope Climbs (1-2) B. Double Unders (10-40) Conditioning For Time 10-1 Dead lifts (225/155) Box Jump Overs (24/20)
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Saturday the 29th we will be running a special Wod at Crossfit Thermal. We will be running “Manion”  a Crossfit Hero Wod in honor of First Lt. Travis Manion.  We will run this with a partner option (suggested) were athletes run together and split the reps. Travis Manion was a local hero from Doylestown, PA with close ties to many local affiliates.  He assigned to 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, based in Camp Pendleton, California, was killed by sniper fire on April 29, 2007 while fighting against an enemy ambush in Anbar Province, Iraq. He is survived by his father, Colonel Tom Manion, mother Janet Manion, and sister Ryan Borek. “Manion” Seven rounds for time of: Run 400 meters 135/95  pound Back squat, 29 reps After the HERO WOD, let’s stick around for a BBQ / POTLUCK (Nutrition Challenge Friendly) to celebrate the start of...
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For today’s strength work, we’re going for capacity! You’ll be hitting 5 sets of 15 push press with only :30 between sets. Use a weight that you think you can succeed with, as you will have an opportunity to add weight later in this phase. Don’t try 95/65 and only get 2 sets in. Scale smart and go for CAPACITY. Our met-con is an alternating EMOM with a goal of rowing for calories. You’ll go for max calories each time you hit the rower keeping track of your total across the 5 rounds. The other two movements are simply for completion – you must hit all reps but they add no value to your rep count. Titan Day 4 “Push Press Madness” 5×15 using :30 rest between sets (95/65) EMOM x 15 A. Row Calories B. 10 Kettlebell Swings (70/55) C. 25 Air Squats
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Classic format with a twist today! 15-12-9 on the squat snatches, but only 9-6-3 on muscle ups. Scale the MU using appropriate progressions such as ring pull-ups, c2b pull-ups or even bar muscle ups. Riding the snatches down is ok, but will be considered a scale. Practice pulling under the bar quickly and with control. Once we break down and have some time to recover we’ll be hitting 4 sets of accessory work on two different movements. Treat this like a super set, alternating between movements, but remember it is NOT for time. Switch up your grip on the rows between sets (over/under) weight listed is approximate, go by feel and use coaches to dial in. For Time 15-12-9 Squat Snatch (115/75) 9-6-3 Ring Muscle Up Accessory Work A. 4×4 Bent Over Rows (50%1RM clean) – alternate grips every other set B. Strict Ring Dips (5-10) – pair with rows...
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Let’s get in some long engine work today. Hang clean and shoulder to overhead work should be with the same weight. Focus on maintaining a solid pace on the runs, when you come in, get that first burpee pull-up in and keep moving. 6 Rounds for Time (cap 30 min) Run 200M 6 Burpee Pull-ups 8 Hang Power Cleans (95/65) (115/75) RX+ 6 Shoulder to Over head (95/65) (115/75) RX+
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