
Partner up for today’s WOD, finding someone who will lift the same weight would be best. Partner 1 will sprint through this triplet, aiming to stay unbroken as long as possible. Once the last T2B rep is done, partner 2 jumps in and blasts through the same. Repeat this as many times as you can in the 16 minutes allowed. After a 5 minute rest, lets take on the Grid League Instagram Challenge and sprint through a one round bout of burpee box jumps. Who will be the fastest? Working in Teams of 2 for part A and As individuals for part B AMRAP in 16 minutes using “you go I go format“ 8 Dead lifts (185/125) 18 Air Squats 8 Toes to Bar Rest 5 minutes For Time 21 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
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With the Open behind us, it’s time to announce our next training cycle.  Here at Thermal, CrossFit is about improving our health, increasing our overall fitness level and having a blast while doing it.  While that will remain our focus no matter what types of workouts we do, it’s sometimes beneficial to add even more structure to our program.  Looking at the strengths and weaknesses around our gym we’ve come up with an exciting eight week program called “Titan”. This new phase of training is designed to increase raw strength in the squat and press, while maintaining a high level of gymnastics proficiency and keeping our conditioning at its peak.  Here are some details; We’ll start the cycle by testing 1 rep maxes for both the front squat and strict press.  We will then spend time each week focusing on those movements through working sets of various volume and percentages. ...
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Reflections on the 2017 CrossFit Open Not gonna lie, I am happy that the Open is over for a whole bunch of reasons: Five weeks is a long time for me to sustain a level of excitement and enthusiasm for anything, much less athletic endeavors that test my weaknesses week after week.  On the other hand, seeing our community come together every Saturday for five weeks to work hard, support hard and party hard makes for a set of experiences I can’t find anywhere else. I got to yell myself hoarse, cheer for people in the 6 AM class who I met for the first time, share mimosas and feel pride for myself, my coaches and my community.  Given that, maybe I’m sorry to see the Open end after all … Open workouts are hard and I couldn’t Rx them all (stupid pull-ups!) so I’m glad to go back to...
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We’ll start today with some accessory work. Alternate between L-sit holds and Push-ups for 8 minutes. For the L-Sit, use parallettes if possible, otherwise scale to hanging L-sits or v-ups. For the push-ups work on moving perfectly and getting full ROM, we’re not counting reps here, so make it about movement. Our met-con today is an ascending ladder of double unders paired with 2 squat cleans each set. Climb as high as you can in 12 minutes. Your score today will simply be the last set of double unders you complete – no extra reps or CJs are added to your total. Accessory  EMOM x 8 A. L-sit Hold (practice) B. 15 Push-ups Conditioning AMRAP in 12 minutes 2 Squat Cleans (155/105) 10 Double unders 2 squat cleans 20 Double Unders 2 squat cleans 30 Double Unders 2 squat cleans 40 Double Unders…… etc
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Push Jerk work for today guys, lets get on the bar and hit 2 sets of 3 and 3 sets of 2, heavy, recording the heaviest set of 2 in WODIFY. Scale weight as needed for the met-con, don’t underestimate squats that will get tough after a few reps. Your choice on bike/row option, just note the different calorie requirements for each piece of equipment. Strength Push- Jerk 3,3,2,2,2 Conditioning 4 Rounds for Time 7 Should to Overhead (115/75) 9 Back Squats (115/75) 11/9 Cal Row / Bike Bike (RX+)
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