
Take 5 -10 minutes to practice double unders EMOM x 21 A. 8 Strict Pull-ups (Progressions) B. 12 Box Jump Overs (24/20) C. 12 Dumbell Snatches (50/35) 6L, 6R Cash Out: Tabata Low Plank :20 in low plank / :10 rest
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Before starting Crossfit, Zack never thought of himself as an “athlete.” He didn’t grow up playing sports and was never focused on health and fitness. Through high school and college, he gradually put on weight and picked up other bad habits, including a pack-a-day smoking addiction. After college, he decided to make a change. “I didn’t want to be a person who came home from work and just plopped down in front of a TV,” he said. He cleaned up his diet and started working out — losing over 50 pounds in the process — but something didn’t feel right. “It was like I was on a hamster wheel, trying to keep going so that I wouldn’t slide backwards and re-gain weight, but also never really moving forward.” Almost four years ago, he jumped off the hamster wheel and into Crossfit. “I loved that it was about doing things, not...
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Start the day working on this clean complex, focus on full extension and having fast elbows today. Scale ring dips to banded or box variations as needed, and work to complete big sets on the KBS and Toes to bar. Strength Take 15 Minutes to find a heavy complex of Power Clean + Hang Power Clean Conditioning 3 Rounds for time 20 Kettlebell Swings (55/35) 15 Toes To Bar 10 Ring Dips
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Strength work today is a 10 minute EMOM, set up and warm-up to about 60% of true 1RM for the front squat. On opposite minutes work push-up strength, 10 perfect push-ups per round. Feel free to scale these up or down as needed. i.e weighted push-ups or banded assist. Today we’re introducing “COMP SCALE” this is a variation offered for athletes who focus on competing. This will be rolled out officially after the Open, but here is a test phase. This is similar to “RX+” that we’ve seen before. The major thing to note here is that the offered COMP SCALE will not be a coached movement for the WOD, athletes choosing this scale will have to be able to set up and go on their own. Our Met-con is a leg burner! Sprint through the cals on the rower then go for 12 thrusters unbroken, write each time on...
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Start off today by hitting 3 heavy sets of 5 push presses. Take note and record the heaviest set you complete, and be sure not to re bend your knees. Our conditioning piece today is a 13 minute AMRAP, use a light enough weight to get through most of the snatches in one or two sets. Strength Push Press 5,5,5 Conditioning AMRAP in 13 Minutes 11 Hang Power Snatches (95/65) 11 Burpees over bar 11 Goblet Squats (55/35)
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