
For each interval you will need to complete a total of 30 reps. For the first :60 gain as many calories as possible on the rower, once :60 are up, you must move directly to power snatches and complete your remaining reps. for example if in :60 you complete 18 calories, you “owe” 12 power snatches. Once your 30th rep is complete record your time for that round. At the end of 5 rounds record your slowest total time (row + snatches). 5 Intervals for 30 reps :60 Cal Row + Power Snatches (115/75) Cash Out AMRAP in :90 Sit-ups
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Start off today with a 1 rep max dead lift – just kidding (ahhhhh my back). Start off today with some moderate sets of front squats for volume.  For heavy front squaters, use 60% for all sets, newer lifters will be good up to 70%.  Our Met-con today is 16 minutes of work, scale so that you can complete the shoulder to overhead work unbroken for most rounds. Strength Front Squat 6-6-6-6 using about 60% 1RM Conditioning AMRAP in 16 minutes 25 double unders 10 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75) 20 Wall Balls (20/14)
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Strength Bench Press 5,5,5,5,5 Conditioning For Time 4 Rounds 200 M Run 7 Toes to bar 9 Push-ups 11 Air squats
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Prior to starting this workout, each athlete will need to create a long straight line on the floor and place their box on the center of that line. This workout begins with the dumbbell resting on the floor and the athlete standing tall. At the call of “3, 2, 1… go!” the athlete will reach down and begin the dumbbell snatches, alternating arms after each repetition. Once all reps are complete, they will move to the box and perform 15 burpee box jump-overs, then move back to the snatch, etc. In each round the number of repetitions of the snatch will increase. This workout ends when the feet land on the ground on the other side of the box on the final rep. Every second counts in this workout. The athlete’s score will be the time it takes to complete all 225 repetitions. Time will be recorded in full seconds....
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Shortened Friday workout notes due to to “2017 Open Season” Find a heavy 3 rep back squat and complete 4 sets across (use the same weight). Strength Back Squat 3-3-3-3 Conditioning 4 Rounds for Time 25 Push-ups 15 Pull-ups 25 Sit-ups 15 Cal – Bike / Row
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