A culture where people simply “do the right thing” is what we’re all about, so help us out on these items gang.
One of our Core Values is, “Do The Right Thing”. Its impossible to have a set of policies that cover what every little thing a coach or member could do, that fits with this. Frankly, we want to spend our time on fitness, not telling people how to behave. The vast majority of us are down with this idea and have always been. However, the gym has reached a level where we feel a gentle reminder could push things in a good direction for everyone. The goal of this effort is to improve the experience for every member.
- Chalk Prints
Using chalk is part of CrossFit and we don’t ever want to be a chalk- free gym. That being said, no one wants to come into class and do burpees on top of someone’s hand prints and chalk dust from the last class.

This set of chalk prints took 4 weeks to remove. (using an industrial scrubber). If this much chalk transfers to the ground during your workout, its safe to say you have too much on. In cases like this please take a moment and remove your chalk prints, don’t expect the coaching staff to handle this. Better still, talk to one of us and find out what could be going wrong with your grip.

Use can still see this relic today in the gym. We have the crew from Dateline Discovery testing the chalk residue to find this culprit. Seriously , if you need this much chalk to swing this bell – its too darn heavy! Would you want to come into class and use this kettlebell?

Lastly, the personal chalk bag! This came out of the pandemic and the desire to not get cutties from using a community chalk bucket. We let it roll for a while. At this point what we have found is that the more access folks have to chalk the more overuse we see. We have 3 chalk buckets in the main room and they’re spaced out so as not to encourage chalking before every rep – that is purposeful. At this point, we’re not going to outlaw personal chalk, but please keep it out of the way, in its container and if you overuse chalk, just clean up after yourself.
Main Takeaways;
We’re trying to provide a premium experience for our members here. As a member you’re not on the cleaning crew, and not expected to work when you come to the gym. However if you use chalk outside of its customary or intended use (as shown above) just pitch in and help us out. Here are some tips and practices to help you;
- If you’re using 8 fingers on the rig, use 10, there is a direct correlation with folks who have a high number of strict pull-ups, use 10 fingers and don’t use a lot of chalk. A proper grip is better than chalk.
- Throw away your bargain basement grips and get some “Victory” ones. You know you still have that gift card from Uncle Bernie that you got at Christmas.
- We’ll be putting out a cleaning station with a spray bottle and brushes for the floor. I’m sure many of you would have been the first to jump up and clean your chalk had we provided the tools to do so. We’ve got you covered.
Thank you for helping to keep our space clean and professional.