Team Scoring – How It Works

With the Open less than a week away, here is a brief write-up on how Team Scoring will work. Remember guys, this is about having fun, stoking the community and taking on these tough workouts with friends.

If you complete the Open workout on Friday during a class time, you earn a point for your team. You don’t have to workout during that time that you’re assigned (the team your own) , you just have to complete it. This will help those of us with constantly changing schedules get as many workouts in as possible during the 5 weeks. In order to score the point for participating , you’ll need to submit the printed workout sheet, these will be handed to you when you arrive, so make sure you fill out a sheet and leave it behind after you finish the workout.

Some weeks we’ll throw out some fun challenges for you to take on and earn extra points, like wearing your team colors, or coming in and counting for another class time etc.

Team Colors:

6:00 am – Custom Tees (Or Black)

Noon – White / Grey

4:30 – Blue

5:30 – Green

“Night Owls” – Red