By the time I’m done writing this newsletter, I’ll probably have spent more time thinking of that title than actually writing this, haha. Got a good name for our weekly updates? I’m all ears. Although, I love movies, and SEVEN is awesome, so if you’re old enough to get the reference , hit me with a reply – no its not from Justin Timberlake.
Old News
Open gym use during prime time hours 5:30 – 7:30pm Monday through Friday requires a sign in. We’ve never turned anyone away, and we’d hate to do that. This is across the board gang, if its your first day or you’ve been here 9 years. The Forge is open to members with unlimited memberships only, as an add on to their group training. We have at least 5 spots available each session, each night. Beginning now we’ll need to keep tabs on this and make sure everyone has space and is signed in.
For the full release on how the Forge functions, please click here.
Fix your squat
Final call for this weekends mobility clinic with Josh Finley of Movement Matters. 3 spots left… More info
New Stuff
Cow-Share is back!!
$50 deposit due to reserve yours share. Butcher date is March 9th, delivery end of March.

With the 2022 Intramural Open looming , you still have a few days to get signed up for it. Just add you name to the whiteboard and lets crush it.
This Friday our team captains will draft the teams. It’ll be done behind closed doors, so don’t get anxiety about not getting picked first. Often times the best athletes aren’t the ones that get picked first. Its the people that show up bring the community spirit and go all out!
Curious about how we’ll score things? Here you go

Coming soon….
Lifts and gymnastics tests get added to benchmark list for 2022
Member of the month returns this month, and the selection is in…
Our culture, “what is rx, and why do we care”? by Coach Vin