November is here! Let’s look ahead at what’s on tap here at the gym.
Monthly Focus: This month we’re getting after everyone’s favorite pulling movement – the Power Clean! We’ll be hitting this movement from all angles, gang. 3 position cleans, hang cleans, and even split cleans, well not split cleans, those get a little sketchy. We’ll pair that up with something we can all use work on – the Handstand Push-up. Progressing these movements will be a lot of fun, and they’ll come into play with this month’s benchmark workouts too!

With “Power Hour”, and the official start of the Holiday season being here we’ve modified this micro-cycle a tad. This cycle will run from November 7th through December 5th.
Power Clean work – alternating Monday and Wednesdays
Handstand Push-ups – Alternating Wednesday and Fridays

Benchmarks for the month
“Breaking Bad” – 11/4
Power Hour – 11/12 – What’s the deal with Power Hour? Learn More
“Grace” – 11/16
“Holleyman” – 11/28
New Members:
In October we welcomed lots of new faces! Make sure to throw a fist bump at these cats if you see em!
Karina, Alicia, Maddy, Phil, CJ, Rachael and returning member Mike R
Member of The Month

Congratulations are in order, for our November Member of the Month, Ernie Neve. Ernie, Aka “Big Ern”, Aka “Big E”, has been a Noon Class staple since 2015. Ern currently sits in 4th place on our all-time attendance list with, 1165 classes taken. Some of you guys might still have been in high school when Ernie was here throwing down. Ern’s fitness journey goes back even further, you might find it interesting that Ern was both a spin class instructor, and a body builder back in the day. I’ve tapped Ern for some pictures, so I’m hoping he delivers!
Don’t miss the Ernie Neve, Member of the Month workout coming later this month!
House Keeping:
Wodify is expanding their service and starting next month, they’ll be handling our payment processing. This is behind the scenes stuff, but currently we are using a third-party merchant processing company to handle this, Wodify is simply taking that over. Not even worth mentioning but for the fact that in this transfer some of your stored payment methods, may not come over and you may be asked to input a new payment method next month. No big deal, but this is why. Wodify is going to charge us an additional fee to not transfer over, so this makes sense for this, and other reasons.
November is an easy month to fall off the wagon, gang. Let’s stay focused and show up every day. We’ve got a great month of fitness on tap!