Take the front squats out of the rack and keep those elbows high to maintain a good rack position. For the metcon, cleans must be a full squat each time, HSPU’s may be kipping or strict, and box jump overs do NOT need full hip extension on top of the box. (jump on the box and jump down on the other side)
Take 20 minutes to find a 2RM Front Squat
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
3 cleans, (185/125#)
9 box jump overs, (24/20″)
Lisa 95/ 5+3 45 sc
Sara 125/ 5 + 1 70 sc
Nate 195/ 4 +3 115 sc
Jeff 185/ 4+3 115 sc
Megs 145/ 5 110
Ditty 135/4 +2 95 sc
Mike 255/ 4 +2 115 sc
Dustin 215/ 4+8 135
Vinny 300 PR/ 5 + 1 Rx
Plentus 305/ 5+ 15 Rx
Dinger 205/ 5+1 115 sc
Aileen 145/ 5+2 95 sc
Joe 185/6 db scale
Amanda 145 PR/5 + 6 95 db
Court 110/ 5 + 2 65 sc
Aoife 90/ 6+3 45 sc
Kate 165/ 6 Rx