
Today is the start of the CrossFit Thermal nutrition challenge.  We’ve set up this workout for today to coincide with the challenge.  We will retest this workout at the end of the challenge to see how nutritional changes effect your overall performance.

Strength Test

1 RM Deadlift

Conditioning Test

Against a 10 minute Running Clock:
40 Burpees
Then in remaining time, max reps of
10 Squats
10 Situps
10 Burpees

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3 Responses
  1. Sarah

    Lam 335# PR/5 Rx
    Lisa 155#/1 + 17
    Nate 335# PR/4 +22 Rx
    Roni 175#/4 + 28 Rx
    Tanya 140#PR/ 2+ 28 Rx
    Ryan 335#/1 +17
    Moogan 345#PR/3+5
    Robin 225#PR/4+13
    Jesse 345#PR/4+25
    Grant 481#PR (Gym Record!)/6+10
    Molly 185/4+10 sc
    Trish 130#PR/3+17
    Aileen 255#PR/5+24

  2. Coach P

    Mike D 475 PR/5+21
    WW 375 PR/4+6
    Gabe 435 PR/5+22
    Matt S 255 PR/3+20
    Sizzle 255/5+3
    KT 275/6+22
    Kate 275/7+10
    Eric 365 PR/3+18
    Sam 7+13
    Nick 265 PR/6+22
    Matt 315 PR/4+25
    John 385 PR/4+19
    P 501.5 PR/7+23
    Dinger 285 PR/4+2
    Pavan 345 PR/4+10
    Stacey 115 PR/2
    Charm 65 PR/3
    Greg 225 PR/3+12
    Heather 245 PR/6+2
    Shannon 195 PR/4+20
    Courtney 205 PR/5
    Meghan 205 PR/5+2
    Johnny 375 PR/5+17
    Russ 335 PR/3+12
    Lloyd 420/5+16
    Deery 485 PR/9 mod

    glad to see so many people going to Puerto Rico! (PR)