For the strength portion of the workout, doing a clean pull + power clean will help those who have an early arm bend. Remember to keep those arms loose through the first and second pulls (from the ground and from mid-thigh)
The metcon is named after a “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?” question that referred to a NYC Times article titled “Talk Burpee to Me” profiling those engaging in….CrossFit flirting! (Thanks, Melinda for finding it!) Do the AMRAP, but every minute, no matter what you’re doing, stop and do 5 burpees.
Clean pull + power clean
“Talk Burpee to Me”
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
15 deadlifts, 185/125#
30 overhead walking lunges, 45/25#
45 double unders

9 AM
Becca 85 / 1+2 scale
Sara 85 / 2 scale
Megs 105 / 2+7 Rx
Aileen 105 / 1+55 Rx
Molly 115 / 2+16 scale
Melinda 65 / 1+23 scale
Ditty 115 / 1+13 scale
Male (Grant) 235 / 2+28 Rx
10 AM
Dinger 145 / 1+19 scale
Matt 155 PR / 1+15 scale
Sizzle 175 / 1+8 scale
Kate 165 / 2+60 Rx
Lam 195 / 2 Rx
Heath 135 / 1+47 Rx
Pavan 165 / 1+35 scale
Wax 205 / 1+60 Rx
Sam 155 / 1+65 Rx
Ron 115 / 1+23 scale
Great work today Sunday crew!