Strength today starts with 4 front squats, then re-rack the bar and immediately go into 8 back squats. Find the heaviest set possible for this combination.
The conditioning requires box jumps, HSPU, and full squat cleans. Scale the HSPU’s by putting your feet on a box or doing stink bugs. The cleans should be moderate to heavy, but not more than 70% of your max clean.
4/8 Front Squat/Back Squat
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
18 box jumps, 24/20″
10 cleans, 155/105#
Carter 205/2+32 135# box
Mike D 205/2+27 ab
Nick 145/1+37 135#
Smurf 135/2+34 115# box
Lam 215/2+1 135# box
Tanya 90 2+18 55# incline push ups
K 125/2+18 105#
Gabe 225 / 2 hspu sc
PH 185 / 2+38 sc
Alli 95 / 2+32 sc
Molly 95 / 2+32 sc
Danielle 95 / 2+37 sc
Kristen form / 3+20 sc
Westwood work / 4 sc