
Did you hear about CrossFit Thermal’s new Goal Setting Program with Coach P…


Snatches in strength are full squat – warm up appropriately and start with a weight you know you can do. Increase the weight slightly each set, but don’t make huge jumps. If you find a weight that you want to stick with for the rest of the sets, stay there, otherwise keep increasing. Use this as a time to hone in that form! Beginners should do hang snatches or power snatch + OHS.

The conditioning in an increasing ladder of box jump overs, power snatches, and double unders. For box jump overs, you do not have to open your hips on top of the box, but you may land on the box to get to the other side. You can jump laterally or facing the box. Your score will be recorded as the last round completed + extra reps. So if you completed 7 box jumps, 7 power snatches, and 35 double unders + 3 box jumps, your score is 7+3. Hint: to get the amount of double unders, multiple the number of box jumps * 5. (1*5, 2*5, 3*5, 4*5, etc)


2 snatches every :60 for 9 sets (increase weight)


AMRAP in 9 minutes:
1 box jump overs, 24/20″
1 power snatch, 115/75#
5 double unders
2 box jump overs
2 power snatches
10 double unders
3 box jump overs
3 power snatches
15 double unders

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1 Response
  1. Aileen

    Tanya 45/4+17 40#
    Wax 135/6+8 RX
    Carter 75/5+11 75#
    Roni 65/6+20 60#
    Smurf 135 power/7+4 95# du sc

    Danielle 70/6+4 60#
    Nate 137.5 PR/6+9 95#
    Adam 105/6+11 95# du sc
    Moogan 125/6+8 95# sc du

    PH 135 power/5+32 RX
    Gabe 155/7 RX
    Ryan 95 power/5+7
    Mols 70/5+12
    Sarah 45 power/7 scale

    Joe 135 clean/6+14 95# clean
    Scott 130 power/6+2 95#
    Frank 115/6+9 RX
    Matt C 95/6+24 95#
    Grant 165/8+3 RX
    Aileen 75/6+14 RX
    Andrew form/7+7 scale

    JKwon 125/6+9 RX
    Lam 125/6+10 RX
    Shoeless 125/5+12 95#
    Robin 65/7+9 55# sc
    Courtney 30/6+10 55# sc
    Molly O 60/6+19 55#
    Meg 60/6+15 45# sc
    Vin 185/row
    Matt S work
    Scott form/4+10 scale
    Mike S 115 clean/6+3 95# sc clean

    Welcome Back to Coach Sarah!
    Thanks to Adam, Scott, & Scott for WODing with us today.
    Great job today by all our athletes!