
“Team Cindy” will be done in partner format. Partner A will complete 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, and 15 air squats, then Partner B will go and complete the same. They will alternate in this fashion for 30 total minutes. Your score is the total amount of rounds + reps completed as partners.

“Team Cindy”
AMRAP in 30 minutes:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats

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1 Response
  1. Vin

    Plentus 32+5 Rx
    Anthony and Rachel 25+5 sc
    Becca & Sara 25+10 sc
    Carter & Nate 34+1 Rx
    Court and Ditty 25+13 sc
    Sam 28+17 Rx
    Lam / Rizzo 43+5 sc
    Lisa /Aileen 28+15 sc
    Matt / Dinger 27 sc