
For strength today, we’ll be working up to a heavy 2 RM Power Snatch.  You may use a touch and go style, or you may re-grip in between lifts.  Try to get close to your 1RM Power Snatch, you might surprise yourself and hit an old PR for a double today.  Conditioning is a descending rep scheme couplet of overhead squats and box jumps.  This should be quick, so use a weight that you can easily snatch into position and complete most if not all needed squats.


Take 20 Minutes to find your 2RM Power Snatch


For time:
OHS, 95/65#
Box jumps, 24/20#

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2 Responses
  1. Aileen

    Mike L 145/9:27 65#
    P 155/10:54 RX
    Dinger 105/9:00 65#
    Courtney 70/8:42 25#
    Meg 65/7:39 45#
    Lam 135/9:55 RX

  2. Coach P

    “Grant and the Ladies”
    G 170/6:38 Rx
    Becca 70/12:11 45#
    Sara 70/12:59 55#
    Lisa 40/8:46 25# 12″
    Ditty 65/12;11 55#
    Aileen 75/9:15 55#
    Megs 75/9:02 Rx
    Molly 75/7:17 55# 17″
    Melinda 40/7:36 15# 17″