For strength, find the heaviest weight you can power clean and jerk for 5 reps unbroken (no letting go of the bar, but you may rest in the hang, front rack, or overhead positions)
Conditioning consists of two mini-metcons. You will do each of them for time, but you will rest for 2 minutes between them. Your total time for both mini-metcons (including rest) will be recorded. (e.g. if the first part took you 5 minutes and the second part took you 3 minutes, then your total time would be 10 minutes)
5RM Power clean + Jerk
For TOTAL time:
Power cleans, 135/95#
rest 2 min.
Front rack lunges, 135/95#
Ring dips
Britt – 95#/ 11:09 95/65sc
Rachael – 85#/10:37 75/65sc
Gerry – 110#/ 8:32 95/sc
Gabe – 185#/ 11:19 RX (SC HSPU)
Nate – 125#/ 9:51 95/sc
Ryan 145/ 11:47 105/45sc
P 175/9:31
Ph 135/9:41 sc
WW 155/12:46 sc
Brian 155/11:44 135/115
Lisa 65/11:52 55/35 sc
Aileen 100/8:08 75# sc
Frank 155/8:58 125#
Danielle 90/9:35 70/65# sc
Joe did work/ 8:48 sc
Juliet 50/10:10 35# sc
Justice 155/9:16 135# sc
Deeks 185/10:03 135# sc
Kate 135/9:53 RX
Dustin 165/8:45 RX
Molly O 70/7:21 50/55# sc
Drew 135/9:27 105#
Courtney 80/8:17 65/55# sc
Meghan N 80/7:46 65# sc
Nick 135/10:12 105# sc
Mike D 185/8:26 ab mat
Matt S 105/9:28 105/75# sc
Stacey 55/9:16 45# sc