Take the bar out of the rack or off the blocks for the jerk. Do whatever you would normally do for a max clean and jerk; most of you will do split jerk.
Conditioning is for total reps across all movements. There is no rest in between stations, except after the lunges. E.g. you’ll go through shoulder to overhead, straight into KB swings, straight into lunges, and then rest for 1 minute. That completes round 1 and you repeat twice more. You’ll use the same bar for the shoulder to overhead and the lunges.
Take 20 Minutes to find a 1RM Jerk
3 Rounds /:60 ME at each station
shoulder to overhead, 115/75#
KB swings, 55/35#
back rack lunges, 115/75#
Coincidence my pic is on the blog the day I’m coming home? I miss Thermal, can’t wait to be back home!
BA6 (Big Ass 6am!)
Frank 185/106 Rx
Wax 185/141 Rx
Carter 185/148 Rx
Lee 200/130 Rx
Mike 135×5 pp/136 75# 35#
Tanya 75/121 sc
Sara 95/120 65#
D-Font 120 PR/156 65#
KT 155/188 Rx
Sizzle – 200 PR/ 97 95#
Nate – 200 PR/ 159 95#
Taylor (First class!!! way to go!) – 45 / 218 35#
O – 135/ 180 80# SC
Burnsey – 215/ 150 RX
PH – 215/ 168 115#
Dawn – 100 / 135 60#/35#
Deeks 245/100 Rx
Brian R 215/138 Rx
Sarah 85/124 45# sc
Ditty 95/117 55#
Amanda 120 PR/150 65#
Andrew 125/90 85# 35#
Deeks 245 / 100 Rx
Brian 215 / 138 Rx
Sarah 85 / 124 45sc
Ditty 95 / 117 55#
Amanda 120 Pr / 65#
Andrew F 125 / 90 85 / 35#
Molly 115 / 196 65 sc
Molly O 95 / 175 55#
Courtney 95 / 126 60#
Ron 290 / 163 Rx
Grant 225 / 166 Rx
Sam 235 / 143 Rx
Pavan 175 / 120 95#
Drew 185 / 129 95#
Lloyd 210 / 163 mod