
For strength, work up to a heavy front squat – go for a max if you’re feeling good. Then for the metcon, load a bar with a moderate weight for push presses, it also should be a weight that you can do at least six reps for.  The weight  should be light for front squats....
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We’ve got a serious Hero WOD to start the year guys, scale wisely. HOT SHOTS 19 Six rounds for time of: 30 Squats 135 pound Power clean, 19 reps 7 Strict Pull-ups Run 400 meters
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It’s the end of the year so let’s go out with a bang: 1RM deadlift! This might take up to 30 minutes, so plan accordingly. Warm up with light sets of 5 and maybe sets of 3 or 2, but get into your singles when you feel the weight getting moderately heavy. The metcon will...
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For strength, find your 5 rep max for unbroken power snatches. This means you cannot let go in between reps, but you may rest at the top or in the hang positions (not while the bar is on the ground, these should be touch and go style) Proper positions will help immensely. The metcon is...
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A simple couplet – clean and jerks + wall balls. Clean and jerks may be “Grace” style – power cleans and power jerks or even push presses. This will be as much a mental workout as it is physical. 5 rounds for time: 10 clean and jerks, 135/95# 30 wall balls, 20/14#
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Take the first part of class to find a new 20RM back squat. You should not do all warm-up sets with 20 reps – rather, do sets of 5-10 and “feel” it out if you haven’t done this. Those who have done a 20-rep will know that around rep 13 it gets spicy and you...
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Hey guys, we’ll be having a shortened schedule for New Years Eve and New Years Day.  Hope to see you at the box on both days. Thursday 12/31 – 6am and Noon classes only Friday 1/1/16 New Years Day – Team WOD 10:00am / Open Gym 11:00am
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Strength is a snatch complex: hang snatch + snatch. Both parts land in a full squat. Do one complex every minute on the minute for ten sets. You may increase the weight at any point. For the metcon, OHSs are from the ground – you may full snatch the first one to count as your...
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For today, pair up in teams of 2. Your task is to complete 90 thrusters and 90 pull-ups as fast as possible with only one person working at a time. You may partition this anyway you’d like and there are many possibilities. One is to do an alternating 21-15-9 of thrusters and pull-ups while another...
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For strength, you may build up in weight each set – these must be full squat clean and jerks (either power or split jerks) Record the heaviest weight achieved. The meton is a rotating station WOD, like Fight Gone Bad. You’ll start with hang power cleans and get as many reps as you can in...
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