
For the 20 minute AMRAP, partner up and alternate reps however you want. Each movement will have one athlete working through reps at a time. The other partner will be holding a static component listed in parenthesis. Reps can only be done while the 2nd partner is in the hold position. Finish up today with a partner buddy carry wheel barrow race -AMRAP in 4 minutes. AMRAP in 20 minutes 30 Handstand Push-ups (overhead plate hold 45/25) Power Cleans 135/95 (air squat hold) 30 Pull-ups (barbell hold) 30 Sit-ups (low plank) For Fun and for reps AMRAP in 4 minutes Buddy carry / wheel barrow race
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  It seems like Mark and Kelsey definitely started a trend around here.  Is there something in the water up in New England or what?  It was a sad day at Thermal when Mark and Kelsey left, they hadn’t been around us all that long, but they made a huge impact on our community while they were here.  Moving on for career purposes, we wished them well and we stay connected with them through social media.   From all I can tell those guys are kicking ass up in Beantown, and now we have some more changes coming down the pike. (I-95 in this case) I wanted to extend warm goodbye and good luck wishes to long time Thermal members, Grant and Molly.  I’ve known for a long time that they had planned to get back up to New England when the time was right, but I guess I was...
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Friday Chipper Time!!!  Straight forward WOD today guys, put your head down and GOOOOOOO! AMRAP in 23 Minutes 30 Wall Balls (24/20) 10 KB Swings (53/35) 30 Burpees 10 KB Swings (53/35) 30 Cal Row / Ride 10 KB Swings (55/35)
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Today will start with some heavy overhead work, you’ll hit a heavy push jerk + split jerk. If you max out early, take 85% of what you hit for the day and complete 3 more sets of the complex to build strength. The met-con is 4 rounds for time today, shoulder to overhead weight should be heavy-ish but significantly lighter than what you used for the strength portion. Each leg counts as a rep on the lunges. Complex 33 Take 20 Minutes to find a heavy 1+1 Push Jerk + Split Jerk Conditioning 4 Rounds for Time 12 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95) 9 Toes to Bar 6 Front Rack Lunges (same bar)
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Let’s start off today with some capacity work, sprint through your calories on the bike or rower, then without resting jump up and hit a max set of pull-ups. You’ll do this for 5 sets, resting as needed between rounds. While resting; pull out weights and bars for part two of today’s WOD. Do not use jumping pull-up scales today – scale to work on building strength endurance in the pull-up. Once everyone is done the intervals, we’ll start a 9 minute clock and you’ll be hitting a heavy single in the hang (squat) clean. Record your heaviest lift that you actually receive in the squat! Conditioning 5 Intervals each for max reps (record you best and worst) Ride or Row 10 Cal then: ME Pull-ups (rest as needed between rounds) Strength Take exactly 9 minutes to hit a 1RM Hang Clean (Squat)
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