
For Strength today, choose your “bucket” and get in some pull-up work. Work on your progressions and consider ring pull-ups if you’re focusing on improving muscle ups. Take no more than 10-12 minutes on this after shoulder / lat mobility. Today’s WOD is a 5 round for time workout. Keep in mind if handstand push-ups are challenging for you, lower the rep count , use an appropriate scale or substitute regular push-ups. Strength A. – 30 Strict Pull-ups B. – 30 Banded Pull-ups C – 15 Negatives+15 Ring Rows D – 30 Perfect Ring Rows Conditioning 5 Rounds for Time 6 Hang Squat Cleans (155/105) 9 Handstand Push-ups 30 Double Unders
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For strength today, use the listed rep scheme with increasing weights to find a heavy single for the day. The met-con is 4 intervals using :60 rest for each – use your own timing so that you can rest for the exact :60. Scale the ring dips to box P-dips or banded box versions as needed. Strength Push Jerk 3,3,2,2,1 Conditioning  4 Intervals with :60 rest between each 12 Kettlebell Swings (55/35) 9 Burpees 6 Ring Dips 12 Kettlebell Swings (55/35) record your worst
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Take the beginning of class to loosen up your hips and dial in pull-ups. Partner A will run through the entire set, then Partner B will go. Continue in this fashion for 20 minutes counting rounds and reps for the entire workout as your score. Back squats (from the gound) should be light enough to go unbroken throughout the WOD, scale gymnastics so that everything goes fast, cycle time on this should be fast and stay consistent throughout the WOD. With a Partner Alternating Rounds  AMRAP in 20 Minutes 6 Back Squats (115/75) 6 Pull-ups 6 Push-ups 6 sit-ups
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Prove to yourself that you have improved yourself. The CrossFit Games Season starts every year in February and runs through the summer culminating with the CrossFit Games in July where the “Fittest” Man, Woman and Teams are crowned.  There are three stages to the Games Season; the Open, Regionals and The CrossFit Games (the finals).  The beauty of the Games season is that anyone in the world can participate and test their fitness.  Less than 1% will qualify for Regionals and even less will get an invite to the Games.  For the large majority of us The Open is our chance to be involved, and it’s a lot of fun to take that opportunity and run with it. The Open is a 5 week segment of the Games season in which all participants must complete one workout per week.  The workout is released by CrossFit on Thursday and everyone has...
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Take about 15 minute to hit a moderate to heavy 3 rep dead lift. This doesn’t have to be a PR, just hit some heavy weight. For conditioning today, we have an AMRAP in 12 minutes. Scale the muscle-ups to pull-ups as needed and make sure that the clean and jerk weight is light enough for quick singles. Strength Dead lift 3,3,3 Conditioning AMRAP in 12 minutes 3 Muscle Ups 6 Clean and Jerks (135/95) 12 Wall Balls (20/14)
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