
Strength Bench Press 3,3,3,3,3 Conditioning AMRAP in 11 minutes (by 3s) 3 Wall Balls (20/14) 3 Push-ups 3 Pull-ups 6,6,6 9,9,9, 12,12,12 etc….. Cash Out  Your choice Tabata, Cal Row / Cal Bike or sit-ups
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Happy Birthday Thermal !! Let’s tackle a fun house WOD with an Open feel today. Scale power cleans to a weight that you can hit quick single on. After the WOD find one of our new toys and take on the interval challenge “10/20” -it’s fun!! Conditioning Thermal Anniversary WOD AMRAP in 14 minutes 12 Power Cleans (135/95) 9 Bar facing bupees 12 Toes to Bar 1 Rope Climb Cash Out Complete the 10/20 Airdyne Interval for Calories
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Start class today by getting better at SOMETHING. Specifically anything gymnastic, pick what you’re worst at and get after it for a few minutes. No counting or scoring is needed, just dial in. For today’s WOD, start off with a smokin set of 50 squats. Then in the remaining time you have 7 hang snatches (squat) and 30 double unders. Let’s count rounds and reps today… Skill Take 12 minutes to accumulate about 30 reps of your gymnastic GOAT HSPU Pull-ups Push-ups Toes to Bar Or about 15 reps of Muscle Ups Bar Muscle Ups Conditioning AMRAP in 10 Minutes 50 Air Squats then 7 Hang Snatches (95/65)(squat) 30 Double Unders
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We’ll be running two heats today, so get ready to go right away on this bench mark. Push presses will come from the rack and everyone gets a 20″ box YAY!!!. Have your counter record your reps on a whiteboard and your total across all 3 rounds will be your score. The 1 minute rest goes really fast, so be ready to work! Benchmark Fight Gone Bad 3 Rounds for Time :60 at each station for total reps Push Press (75/55) Box Jumps 20″ Wall Ball (20/14) Sumo Dead lift high pull (75/55) Row (calories)
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This Saturday is not only our CrossFit Thermal Anniversary Celebration, we’re also happy to announce that it will be our first babysitting offering.  As our community continues to grow in membership, it also has grown in the kiddos that our members have in tow.   At 9am we’ll be offering babysitting to members with children for just $3.  Your kid/kids will remain onsite and be accessible to you at all times but they’ll also be out of sight so you can focus on your workout for a full hour! Thermal member Joanna Palac is back and has accepted the first position as “Thermal Babysitter”. Most of you already know her and know that your kids will be in great hands, but if you don’t stop by and say hello this Saturday as she’ll be in around 8:30am. Jo, is currently in nursing school so, of course her services won’t be...
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