
We’ve been using this format a lot lately, training our gymnastic capacity under a state of fatigue. Let’s start tracking this – reocrd your Toes to bar today. For the met-con, lets set up all the rowers and “go at your own pace” meaning take rest as needed, about 2-3 minutes should work. You want to recover enough to go hard on each interval. Once you’re ready and a rower is free, wait for a full minute and GO! Skill EMOM x 10 A. Row Cal 15/12 B. Toes to Bar :40 score T2B Conditioning 3 Intervals Record your worst Row 250 12 Russian Kettlebell Swings(70/55) 9 Push Jerks (135/95) Rest as needed between rounds
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Let’s get some heavy squats in today. Hit 3 sets using a progressive load, and record your heaviest. For conditioning today, we have a “for time” triplet. Try to focus on big sets of pull-ups , steady pacing on the burpees, and recovery during the squats. Strength Front Squat 5,5,5 Conditioning  24-18-12-6 Pull-ups Burpees Goblet Squats (55/35)
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2017 will be our fourth year as a CrossFit Affiliate, and we couldn’t be happier about how far we’ve come.  From the early days of tiny classes and limited equipment to the packed house Friday “nooners” we have now, we’ve always valued our community.  This Saturday we want to showcase that by holding a CrossFit Thermal anniversary workout!  A special workout, never done before will be released, so be ready for a tough morning!  Other than celebrating with us, there are a couple reasons you should attend this celebration.  We’ll be running heats throughout the morning, so you can show up anytime and you’ll be able to get the workout in.  Although we’re hoping for a nice turnout at 9am! Our workout will be run in CrossFit Open format.  If you plan on doing the Open this year, this will give you a sense of how we run things on...
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In college playing varsity Field Hockey I truly realized how much lifting was a part of being an athlete. We lifted in season to kept our strength up and out of season was where we really had to push ourselves. It was always exciting hitting a new PR in the off season. After my last season of Field Hockey I still kept going to the gym to get a good lift in to get stronger and keep the strength up I had built over the past 4 years. Then 3 years ago after graduating I moved down to Philly from Syracuse and had to find a whole new routine for working out. Not knowing about Crossfit at this point I just joined the YMCA and as many intramural sports as I could. I liked going to the more high intensity and lifting geared classes, but never really got the work...
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Start off with an alternating EMOM today. We’ll be working on strict pull-ups – do as many as you can with perfect form in about :40, then transition. The focus today should be on not breaking the hollow position during the pull. This movement is as much core as it is upper body. Start your engines on opposing minutes with burpees – try for 10 per minute. Score for this piece will be total strict pull-ups. The Met-con is an AMRAP in 12. Front squat weight should be light enough to complete in 1-2 sets. Scale double unders to be done in :30 or less. Skill EMOM x 10 A :40s Strict Pull-ups B: 10 Burpees (score pull-ups) Conditioning AMRAP in 12 minutes 30 Double Unders 10 Front Squats (115/75) 3 Rope Climbs  
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