Start out today by hitting a moderate 3 rep front squat. Don’t record this number, the idea is just to prep for moderate thrusters later in the workout.The Met-con is a couplet with ascending weight thrusters. Athletes are responsible for changing their own weights. If you’re scaling the weight, you should still give yourself 4 different loads for the workout, work with a coach to dial in exactly how much weight you’ll need. If you finish all 8 rounds in the 15 minute cap, start over with your original weight and start climbing again until the 15 minutes are up. Each completed round is worth 35 reps today and we’ll be recording total reps in WODIFY. Strength Take 10 minutes to build to a moderate 3 rep front squat for the day Conditioning AMARP in 15 minutes 2 Rounds of 10 Thrusters (75/55) 25 double unders 2 rounds of 10...
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